There is absolutely a place for a patient build up especially in the early stages but chuff me wee are no different to under Asbhagi and Schopp the amount of times from central shooting positions we passed it wide ti someone on the wong faced up with a defender was baffling, get chuffing laces through it!
Thought we moved it quick first half to be fair and looked dangerous apart from final ball/shot but nowt new there. Last half hour that all went pear shaped. Subbing entire front 3 was a bad decision from Duff.
I'm surprised at stick Duff's tactics are getting. Not this thread in particular. I've noticed that Duff has had more stick off a few posters since he took over earlier than say Schopp or Asbaghi.
We weren't patient enough in my opinion at times in the first half. How many aimless long balls did we knock up to their centre halves, even though Connell and Kane were dropping into gaps between their midfield and forwards and actively asking for the ball. We need to trust Connell a little more with the ball. If he wants it, give it to him. We do sometimes over play it in the final third. Building from the back can be frustrating, but it's much better to recycle the ball and start again if there isn't an opening, than to needlessly turn over possession, in the hope that Devante Cole is suddenly going to turn into a target man.
I agree that some of our finishing was poor, but their keeper made 4 amazing saves - from Connell and Cole in the first half and then against Cole and Josh Martin in the second half. All four attempts were good, not in the middle of goal.
Changing the front three worked well at Wednesday, sometimes it won't work. Can't really have a go at the coach about it.
I’m more than happy with Duff as coach and hope he’s here for the long haul. Just think he got it wrong last night but that happens with any coach. No one is perfect.
Thank you schopp and ashbagi we played football in our own half, never commited many forward was the most boring football ive seen at oakwell