He has been spouting that we should Brexit from European Football. His reason is that U.A.F.A. rules state that no music (like National Anthems) is to be played before a match takes place, but this idiot wants God Save The King played before a British team takes to the field in a European match, This is the fella that said taking the Knee was political and politics should be kept out of sport. He states that "without us, they would be nothing". I've heard that one before.
Ahh yes. Like the World Cups before 1950. Maybe we'd have more than one star above the three lions if we could have been less arrogant and entered from its inception.
Why should non-British players stand for the National Anthem? We’d be nothing in Europe if our teams just contained British players that’s for sure. The Euro anthem is a good idea
Must have been suffering withdrawal symptoms from being in the News what with the Queen taking all the headlines Had to thing of an angle to get himself back in the headlines and this was the one he came up with - Horrid self publicising bigoted ****
We haven't won anything since 1966 because our work horses aren't talented enough in front of goal and those that are haven't been picked consistently because they haven't been trusted. We'll not win owt with Phillips, Rice and Henderson because you don't win owt going sideways and backwards. Croatia in 2018 had Perisic and Modric. Italy had that bit of guile too in 2021.
Are we talking club level or Internationals? If the latter I thought they did have the National anthems of both teams. If the former then as Tarntyke says, most club sides comprise multi national players. If they played the NI of each participant in some matches we would be there al bloody night! Farage is a complete ****. Other than coming from a wealthy family and attending a prestigious private school (he left FT education aged 18!) How did he ever get into any influential posi........ .......Oh hang on!
Give him a chance, with Putin on the ropes his biggest source of income might dry up and he'll be reliant on grifting to remain relevant - or at least until Bannon squeals like a piglet and hands him on a platter to the FBI.
Farage is a complete two hat, and as thick as a whale omelette. Not even sure why he is still relevant, or was he ever?
This is the fatal mistake so many people made. Badging him thick and irrelevant. His actions have reshaped our country for generations, and will have a profoundly negative impact on millions. Arguably one of the most relevant British political actors in modern times. I deeply despise him, for the damage he’s inflicted.
I am sorry, I have to disagree. He only had to preach to the majority of racists and Mail readers, probably one and the same, and they would have believed anything he told them. He is not the brightest, as those stupid shout out things he does have proved time and time again when people have made him look really stupid.
An opportunist with a talent for tuning in and manipulating public opinion of certain elements of society.
He's not wrong . Look at the white flag waving French robbing us blind on our fuel bills They would be speaking German by now if we did not pull them out of the sh ! t twice
Yes, the EU have announced a windfall tax on energy companies. So we are paying extra tax to energy companies operating in the UK market, for them to then pay it back to the EU countries...
Not the greedy Tory party asset selling for a family place on the boards of the privatised companies they gave away then ?
Agreed. He did it though. With devastating affect. I place him up there with the likes of Aaron Banks and Steve Bannon, for his influence on the populist $hitstorm that has fkd things up for many years