While that tweet feels very ill-advised, it's always kind of refreshing when people use their social media accounts to say what they actually think rather than farming it out to staff!
Didn’t take long for her to buckle. I thought she was a savvy social media type? Poor move. As much as I agree with her comments, getting involved in Twitter spats is crazy.
I agree. I found that quite refreshing. I’d rather have the owners having an open honest dialogue with the support. I might not agree with what’s been said but I wouldn’t get all ‘snowflakie’ denying her the right to her voice.
I like her more and more. More communication than we got from Conway in 12 months. Oops, sorry, that can't be right, they're supposed to be one and the same person.
Bit thin skinned. Not a good look going after fans after getting shut of five key players and replacing them with freebies and last minute loans. Time would be better spent sorting out our decaying ground, matchday experience and merchandise. PS: Will they ever get round to auctioning off the Plymouth shirts for charity like they said?
It’s Twitter mate, I’m afraid you’re shouting into the void there. She’s right in what she’s saying, but putting that out on Twitter is highly unlikely to land. Actually imagine it’s gonna have the opposite effect. The people she’s aiming at are not going to reflect on her comments and change their ways. They’re going to feel attacked and react. Poor judgment for me.
Don’t have a problem with it. She’s been getting stick on social media and she’s responded with a fairly mundane post that is difficult to disagree with imo. Would be good to hear from the club about why we weren’t able to do what we wanted to do in the window, but it’s more important that they communicate well with Duff than us.
I’d also like to know what happened to renaming the Ponty end, voting was supposed to close on August 8th. https://www.barnsleyfc.co.uk/news/2022/july/south-stand-renaming/
No issue with what she has said it's hardly controversial in its content. Here's my own personal response. 1. I've stopped attending for the first time in my life. 2.I've stopped attending for the first time in my life. 3.I've stopped attending for the first time in my life. 4.I've stopped attending for the first time in my life. Let's hope she doesn't waste too much energy reading Twitter posts and gets things going the right way at Oakwell. I'd be pleased to be tempted back.
It always make laugh when folk think they have free reign on social media and pick on people they assume will be diplomatic and keep schtum, but then when they turn round and give it back the keyboard warriors have themselves a big pity party.
I agree. She can't. Which is sad because the pathetic, vile drivel posted by some "fans" on social media is beyond embarrassing. We're no different to any other club but we have a sizeable minority of supporters who have the insight, brains, self control and manners of a four year old. There's a lot of good people who follow BFC. People who are realistic, well mannered and sensible. Unfortunately they're a largely silent minority who are betrayed by the antics of the yobs who want permanent, instant success and can't deal with it not happening.
I think she makes ok points. To make them is stupidly Ill advised and will only cause more division and antagonism. Leave the comms to our media team, who as mentioned on another thread, are excellent at their job. Given the debacles of the lack of scrutiny of a sponsor, the mishandling of the closure of the West Stand, the appointment of a dreadful CEO and the general run down state of Oakwell maybe concentrate on sorting that out.
I don't understand what people expect of her? She has every right to tweet it, and in fact it shows she is involved. I'm baffled why people keep telling her what she needs to focus on, as though they/she don't already know, or as though it can be done overnight. Unfortunately, she will have to put up with stuff like this after every game where we don't take 3 points.
"the board have inherited a complex maze" Yes but you were still the OWNERS who sat back and let it happen (again, despite con ways 4 ,year term expiring LAST year not this) and you have allowed the CEO who ran the company for the entirety of our disastrous season to continue in his position where he has again allowed disastrous decisions to be made. Stop bloody blaming it all on Conway