The more I listen to Milburn the more I realise why AM got massive and they didn't. Loved 'em as a kid but christ it's hard work now.
I wasn't a massive fan when it came out, but 25 years later it has aged incredibly well. It was a massively misunderstood album when it came out. However, it's just my opinion that New Adventures in Hi-Fi is even better.
can’t stand What’s the Story though Masterplan is great principally for Acquiesce which is easily the best thing they ever did.
Yes! Unbelievably jealous. Did you know in advance who it was? It was supposed to be a secret but it was rather badly kept, to say the least.
i was ents officer at uni so was in with some PR types so I knew but was sworn to secrecy though not sure how many took that seriously.
it's not particularly the anthemic $hite that puts me off oasis. it's the evil fkn dwarf that writes the songs. his stuff with high flying birds is beyond terrible, yet he's still there, still spouting off like he's a genius and everyone else is $hit. apart from Chris Martin, who he loves. last seen waving his AAA badge and mocking wheelchair users in the accessibility area. I definitely think my hatred for Noel Gallagher influences my opinion on oasis! aah. that feels better.
Both brothers are ***** who think the way to remain relevant is to slag younger and better bands off. They still haven't realised that hilariously it just makes them look even less relevant, old men shouting at clouds. And Oasis were the concept of diminishing returns personified, they didn't have an innovative thought between them.
I don't mind Liam so much these days. $hite music, but not such a bell end as he once was. his brother meanwhile, has just gone completely the other way. full Sith.
Yeah Noel is a bell end. As much as I have a full blown hard on for them both, Noel has gone full on Tory. Liam is still the kid from the council estate though.
The thing about Noel is that fame and money completely changed him. Liam, for better or worse, stayed the same just with better trainers. Agreed hatred of Noel is the reason I never listen to them.
A friend of a friend, a massive Oasis fan, was down on his luck with mental health issues and ended up in a very dark place. Through some acquaintances Liam found out and took the time to call him up. Sent him loads of goodies and sent him some backstage passes for a gig when he got out of hospital. In no universe would I see Noel doing anything similar. Like I said same kid better trainers.
While we are chatting music. Record fair in Sheffield in the market on Saturday usually a good selection
Personally, for a collection of albums that meandered and grew across years, give XTC a listen. Most underrated band ever.