I need to listen to Journal for Plague Lovers. That's the one when they used Richey's old lyrics i think?
On rock band Albums. U2 have to be up there with the best. If not the best. Just a blip for me with the Discotheque era.
Yes, produced by Steve Albini. You could imagine it being the follow up to The Holy Bible, because that's exactly what it is, and it doesn't disappoint.
That's some album. Down In The Tube Station at Midnight is one of my all time favourite songs. Though Isla is more of a David Watts girl.
Will have to check it out. Richey was a true one of a kind. Tortured but very special, his lyrics are testament to that
I'm disappointed to say @Father Benny Cake pointed me towards Snap! as an impressionable teenager and they've always been a favourite since. Eton Rifles for me...
I like that tune The Bitterest Pill, i think it was used on This is England, which has a great soundtrack. I also used to love that Weller live acoustic album, Days of Speed.
Liam is salt of the earth. Noel disappeared up his own arse long ago. And as @Marc says, his solo work is appalling.
It's nowhere near as dark as The Holy Bible, which can only be a good thing. It's like he's coming out of the places you really wouldn't want to go to, so it's quite an uplifting album in places, yet it always retains that edge that they by and large lost after Richey disappeared.
What are your thoughts on the pub names in cornerstone - do you think they’re based on sheffield ones . I am also sure there was a pub in sheffield called the cornerstone in the early 2000s, where Lloyds had been previously. It was massive and I went loads but I can’t find out whether that’s correct or not. I also love Yes by M&B , great tune….but there’s quite a few more from that era …..
I was lucky enough to see them a few times at that time. Proper exciting times and unbelievably good live.