Roby,I'm his dad,ya R8 looking back my language was poor,guess it was all frustration and adrenaline st8 after game coming out,I do apologize.
I'm a Morrissey fan too (I knew Luke was as well) so it was said with affection Steve Thanks for the content over the years, very entertaining and you're good lads. Hope you and Luke both doing okay.
We're both well thank you.yes are Luke loved doing the channel he was sad to pass it to Neil but his family dictated matters.were off to see moz at Donny dome end of the month.
Good to hear mate. And Luke was great at it but family has to come first understandably. Brilliant, enjoy Moz! Seen him 4 times myself
Hey tahh for replying Steve. And believe me you dun't have to apologize. Maybe Im being a bit harsh actually, because like you say, just after a match your going to get a bit worked up. I remember you and Luke G doing the videos that day when we were relegated at Derby. And he suggested you as our next manager with Craig Wood as your assistant. Its really good to see yourself and your Luke popping back on there again, occasionally.
When I was 4 I won hook a duck at the fair,I could have either a rubber shark or a poster of a leather clad man,I chose the poster and used to stare at his ring in awe every night ,I didn’t even know who he was but loved that poster
Remember when they did the discussion with Conway & Stendel ?. I wish Steve or Luke would have put summat horrible in Conway's cup of tea/coffee.
Thanks for sharing Mate, you are among friends. By the standards of depravity that had pervaded 1970s pop culture, developing a fetish for a then unknown leather clad man was positively wholesome. The poster could just as easily have been of Gary glitter so be thankful for a lucky escape