It's brilliant how the cost of living crisis has all of a sudden disappeared. Maybe more monarch's should "move on" as it's a good trick
It just blows my mind. But the mere prospect of suggesting how mad all this is, is met with fire and brimstone. If only we could bottle all this energy, and use it to sort other stuff out. Like buying food, paying bills, stopping pumping actual human $hit into waterways. Stuff like that.
This is NOWT !!! Should have been in the queue behind the Ponty the other week trying to collect tickets. INSANE. I was there on Friday night and still managed to miss about 15 minutes of the first half.
Me and you will see a penny of that, im sure. Trickle down economy has obviously never caused cost of living issues ever... And Charles will be a good chap and never take suitcases full of cash from fine gents of Qatar
Nearly as daft as using a football fans forum (myself included) to scream,shout,moan about anything but football. Nowt as strange as folk!
When I rang Unit 8 massage parlour in Sheffield to apply for the job of quality control officer, the lady said I needed to be in Doncaster. I said "Is that were the job is?" She said "No, that's where the end of the queue is".
Mate went down on his own, even got 5 minute piece on the radio about it. He queued for about 8 and a half hours.
Absolutely, but who said football fans are only capable of talking about football? (nod,wink emoji fest).
For anyone interested the Guardian did an online piece (video) regarding what's currently happening in the country. The last 5 minutes were the views of some residents of Grimethorpe, it's very good. The lad who says the cost of living crisis doesn't affect him followed by his partners reaction to his comment are pure gold. I won't reveal what she says, search it out it's class.
It’s not for me but plenty of people queue for that amount of time overnight for new releases of books or games that they could just preorder and get delivered to home the same day. I know my cousin has gone there. He took the death of his grandma (who brought him up alone as both parents died when he was very young) really hard a couple of years ago. He wants to go as she loved the queen and would have liked to have gone if she were alive so he’s making a sort of pilgrimage for her sake and spending the time remembering his nan.