Steer clear of Italy then... both are a common sight here..You'd be apoplectic!. Also, not to forget , jacket collar and tie on top with jeans (often ripped) and sock-less worn by men of all ages as work attire (often in senior positions too) They also wear outrageous glasses often with huge thick frames in a variety of garish colours... red blue green that make them look like 'Brains' off Thunderbirds or 'Joe 90'. Big beards tend to be the reserve of younger males though, who spend a fortune at the Parrucchiere having it trimmed weekly (as they clearly cannot be trusted handling a pair of scissors by themselves) as well as 'product'? like 'beard oil'?? which costs an arm and a leg as most toiletries do here. A deodorant spray costs two to three times more here than the UK and that is for half the size of the UK sprays cans. Italians being held up as fashionistas?..nah!! The cosmetic surgery business is massive here too with women having lots of 'work' done usually ending up looking like pouting fish! ( see Donatella Versace as an extreme example) and dressing like they are 19 years old when they are often late 50s or even in their 60s and 70s. Still very much a male dominated society here (except for 'Mamma' who still rules the roost!
Actually, just discovered there is one thing. People who reverse into parking spots instead of driving into them.
the guy who serves in my local shop and always ends the transaction by saying 'No worries!' -- think it's an odd thing to say. Not too happy about this English guy being entitled 'Prince of Wales' -- 20K petition signatures opposing this to date -- hey-ho!
People writing "of" when they mean "off". People writing "to" when they mean "too". People saying "myself" inappropriately, when all they mean is "me". Worse still, people who use the nominative pronoun, "I", instead of "me", following a preposition, or as part of the object of a verb: e.g. "Thank you from my husband and I", or "You saw my wife and I last month".
Why is that irritating and reversing out of parking spots instead of Driving out is OK - Im a bit puzzled
The £1 thingy on Home Bargains trolleys, the coin never fits in right, I've had more than a few arguments with them before storming off and opting for a basket instead
That happened to me for the Wednesday game, even though I ordered it 8 days before the match. When it arrived on the Monday after the match, I was surprised to see it had been posted 2nd class, despite a Bank Holiday and two postal strikes being due in the days following my order.