Each to their own for me. If you don’t want to watch it’s fine. I have absolutely no issue with that. I for one will be as is my choice. GSTQ
Even if you have no interest in the royalty or the funeral, it’s worth tuning in for what could potentially be the shot of a lifetime. As part of the service several people will do readings, one of whom is the Prime Minister. After the bashing he and his mates have given the BBC, I am hoping the BBC producer will cut to our beloved former Prime Minister whilst the current Prime Minister fumbles over a speech that will be watched for hundreds of years, because his face will be a fecking picture! “If she had only died 2 weeks earlier, that could have been me. Wahhhhhhh!!!!”
There will be history made all over the place tomorrow but its doubtful it will make the front pages.
I won't see it because I will be sleeping all day!. Not by choice of course, its because I work nights and I have to. Im sure there will be edited 'highlights' of it to watch at a later date, if I/we want to.
I was discussing this with a friend the other day. I also have a fundamental issue with a hereditary head of state. However, if a King or Queen in the future were to start abusing their constitutional powers, they'd be pulled up for it pretty quickly. But it's unlikely to happen, as it really would be the end of the monarchy. No sovereign would ever take that risk (surely?). But, as we've seen many times in recent years, when an elected president starts abusing their powers, it's quite tough to stop, even in a long-established democracy like the USA. So while a hereditary head of state is fundamentally undemocratic, there is an argument that it serves to protect democracy from being undermined by nefarious means.
I'll be driving back from weymouth, avoiding the whole thing. my biggest concern is that Greggs won't be open, for my bacon sandwich and large white coffee.
I wouldn't really argue with that but at least the US voted Trump out, they might vote him back in again mind. I'm not sure that Charlie will have the same resolve to keep his nose out as his mum did.
Not a royalist but the alternative scares the life out of me,in my life time can you imagine president Thatcher or that prat they have just got rid of. I admire the hard work and dedication the queen given to this country but there's nothing sad about the passing of a 96yrs lady that's lived the life she has. I will be on my way to Flamborough for 5 days on the lovely Yorkshire coast expecting the drive to be quieter than expected.
Will be avoiding it as much as it’s a sad occasion I have no interest in the fact it’s part of history! Just seen timetable of events wow last event 19:30, wonder what time Trapeze, Lion tamer and juggler’s are on ?
I’ve no interest. I feel empathy towards the family as I would to any family losing a relative. No criticism of those that watch but it’s just not my thing. Time to end an outdated system that confers wealth and privilege on people based on who their relatives slept with hundreds of years ago.
Just seen a bit with the service men and women setting off marching, whether you are a royalist or not I have to say that’s a seriously impressive spectacle!
You don’t have to be a monarchist or a royalist to have respect a woman who served her country for 70 years and always put her duties first. God Bless Queen Elizabeth never be another like her again in our lifetime
In Cornwall. Wanted to go for a last swim in the pool before hitting the road. Just been told that the pool is closed for the funeral from 1030-2. Seriously?