Lied to the queen to get her to suspend parliament so he could undermine our democratic processes. He then got her to sign into law acts which he subsequently regularly broke. He saw her sat alone at her husband funeral while he partied in downing Street. He then lied to her again and denied that he had committed the crimes he so clearly had. And finally just 2 days before her death she had essentially sack him as he left office in disgrace. And the evil ******* gets an invite to her funeral? By that logic I expect to be offered the job of officiating at Khaled El-Ahmads if I'm still alive when he passes away.
Ive a feeling that all surviving former PM's get an invitation though I may be wrong. Pretty sure HM would have excluded him if it was just down to personal choice
Pretty sure, if not lying whilst PM, was a criteria for attending, there'd be a couple of empty rows in Westminster Abbey right now.
I think Supertykes point was more about the actual Lying to the Queen and total lack of respect to the behaviour of government I just checked and all the PM's still alive have been invited but none of them from Major though to May treated the Queen with the contempt Johnson did
All politicians put their own spin on the truth and indeed are economical with the truth (Thatcher according to her cabinet secretary Bernard Ingham). Tony Blair was parroting the lies which came from George Bush to justify the Gulf War which was indeed reprehensible, however, all PMs of the modern era were careful not to lie directly and deliberately to parliament and always corrected the record after inadvertently misleading the house as is requited by the ministerial code. Johnson, however, treated the code with utter contempt and lied repeatedly in the commons and never corrected the record. He is undoubtedly the worst Prime Minister since the days of Pitt the Elder when MPs basically bought their seats and did whatever they wanted. We are well rid of him and the British electorate would do well to remember these things next time we get a chance vote.
Depends how you look at it. Not defending Boris, he wasn't fit for office. However he lied about parties, he didn't lie to take the country to war, costing the lives of hundreds of servicemen and women and untold civilians.
This is an argument I see often. I’m not really sure how 1 man can be blamed. Chilcot explained as much. Blair can be blamed for not wanting to threaten the UK/US relationship but that was a by product.
Is that the chilcot enquiry commissioned by Gordon brown, second in command of the government that took us to war? He also appointed the members and set the terms of reference? It still managed to find there were no WMD, the UN security council had been undermined, the government ignored its own legal advice. I remember Blair telling parliament there were WMD and they could be deployed against the UK within 45 minutes. There was no basis for this beyond Campbell's "sexed up" dossier. I agree, it took more than one man to pull it off but he was at the top of the pile.
yes inviting her son whatever next. Dont get me wrong I dont like him - think he should be being scrutinised more closely over his antics with Epstein but I wouldn't deny him the chance to be at his Mothers funeral.
Boring, I know. But (yet again) 75% of MP's looked at the same material and twice voted in favour of military action. But let's not crowd the story out with facts.
Neither would I, was just a bit of dark humour. It's only right he got to attend the funeral, all that walking must have been hard on them though Andrew didn't appear to break sweat.