I frequently see items for sale that are showing prices of several hundred pounds for which the RRP is tens of pounds or less. Sometimes an item listed for hundreds is on the same page as the identical item selling at a fraction of the price. Obviously these are not misprints as they are far too frequent. My wife has just been looking for a kitchen wallmount organiser as I am retiling around the worktop sink area and our old IKEA stuff is lookimg a bit shabby. Among other overpriced stuff... £249 for a cheap plastic shelf assembly that fastens with suckers onto the tiles. (worth no more than £10-15) something else with a kitchen roll holder and some hooks to hang utensils from was over £700!! No one in their right minds would be daft enough to buy at those prices so what is it? Some sort of money laundering scam? Surely Amazon should be taking steps to remove some of these items and check out the legitimacy of the vendors.
It keeps the listing open so they don’t have to delete it when it’s out of stock and then pay and go through the faff to relist it when they have more. The price stops people from buying it and if someone is daft enough then they can either refund or buy it themselves from a cheaper seller and send it to you for massive profit.
Thanks. That makes sense. I did not know delisting relisting was a faff and cost more money never having sold on Amazon. I do subscribe to Prime as it is far far cheaper in Italy than UK . I stopped using Pay Pal a while back having sold my old (rare) Yamaha CP80 stage Piano to an enthusiasic owner of a professional music studio in Tallinn where it would be used and loved! I got royally screwed by PayPal re commission charges which turned out to be a percentage of the overall sale price. Even though I sold it quite cheaply I thought the fees charged by E-Bay, since it was a private sale and I was not commercial vendor, were excessive. My fault I suppose for not reading the T&Cs properly. IMO PayPal Amazon and E-Bay (for sellers) have become progressively more expensive to use since they started out.
Just another bit of winning…. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/brexit-paypal-fees-uk-eu-b1917179.html?amp
Intresting. I’d always assumed it was to take advantage of those that buy without paying attention to price assuming Amazon is usually competitive.
I‘ve just ordered a petition pro forma from Amazon. I’m going to use it to protest against the death of the High Street.