I just saw a very unusual but beautiful bird in my garden. Never seen the like before. I googled it’s description and it would appear to be a Eurasian Jay. Are they common here or is this an uncommon sighting?
Heard of a eurasian Wolf, an a eurasian Squirral, an a eursaian song contest, but not a jay, sorry cant help. Its part of the crow family apparently found in Europe Scandinavia, Central Russia, North Africa and the Middle East
Not sure about up there, but quite common down here, they're like a magpie in a flash suit, common in woodland, which our garden backs on to.
Ok. I also live next to woodland and it did fly off in that direction. Obviously not very common here as it is the first time I have seen one. The blue flashes down the wings were beautiful.
Think they're semi-comon. Awful pricks though, push other birds out of their nests and kill young etc
They’re not uncommon but they are far more visible this time of year as they spend all day collecting and hiding acorns to feed them throughout the winter
I can report sightings in Kaht Minor (the younger)'s garden. She lives in Baildon - close to Bingley Moor.
Quite usual in Wath Wood and an occasional visitor to my garden. Quite shy, and more often to be seen flying away, and identified by a white rump.