If you haven't got pride in our armed forces after the funeral today there is something wrong . Never mind nurses and doctors, these lads and lasses are massively underpaid and under valued . God save our HM forces!
I admire the armed forces for their bravery in combat and putting themselves literally in the firing line. Bit of pomp and pageantry not so much.
They did a great a job but both groups are massively underpaid and valued- most workers are in this country
They did a great job today, Didn’t feel any pride in them when they were knocking the **** out of us during the miner’s strike mindst. Oh, and the never mind the Drs and Nurses bit, what a **** comment, no need
pomp and pageantry are all part of military training, its drill and discipline and reacting to orders/commands, having said that i wouldnt like to see some of those guardsmans feet in the morning "Ammo boots" knock f**k out out of you
Yes I know that but their ability to do so doesn’t make me respect them. Their bravery and commitment do.
I hated doing drill practice when I was in . Loved the proper bit . I once got 2 days in the barrack cells for spitting on the drill square. Beasted to death I was
RN Army Nurses earn the equivalent of a Band 5 NHS nurse , if you join with a specialist qualification like intensive Care , you can get up to £30000 signing on fee
you are right but flogging a dead horse given the lack of respect shown on here by some on here, expounding views that seem to go against millions of ordinary folk that have been shown on the telly. I have always had a view leaning to republican but since seeing how much the royals mean to so many have greatly tempered my opinion.
No, they weren't, really they weren't, don't you think one, just one would have spilt the beans for a tidy wedge, it was most likely other forces removing there collar numbers and passing the buck, but really they weren't involved whatsoever
I think this is where I figured you were on a wind-up/fishing expedition! Still, it's been a dull day!
Try telling that to the miners who recognised, family, neighbours, and generally people they knew were in the army.
I would, it didn't happen, and I'm sure it would have been embezzled all over the news/ papers, I'm sure the miners/ Scargill would have pointed it out on is many interviews at the time he had with the news/ media
Well there are accounts out there saying differently and I know who I believe. Clue, it’s not the Govt/military
It was pointed out many times during and long after the strike, Don ‘t underestimate a Tory Govt’s ability to censorship,
But no accounts at the time, not once did Scargill mention this, not once, and if he heard it ( because I'm sure 100% he would have) he would have pulled up trees to pull down Thatcher, ( and rightly so) but he didn't, why, because it never happened
Nobody forces nurses to become nurses or doctors to become doctors. Were you forced to go into the army?