people like Mick unfortunately don’t give a toss about anything other than idiotic trolling. Tis the sad state of the world.
I don't know if i'd go that far, but I get the feeling he likes to revel in contrarianism. I take it with a pinch of salt personally, no point getting wound up.
Yeah completely agree. The only people trolls like Mike make angry are themselves. No one else really cares.
I can’t really see why the Govt would need to use the Army to give the Miners, their families and their communities ‘a good kicking’. They were already using GCHQ, MI6, MI5, a variety of a police forces, the social security system and the tv and printed media. I wouldn’t have thought there would have been enough room for the Army to get involved, even if they wanted to.
It’s a matter of record that Thatcher had plans drawn up to bring the army in declaring a state of emergency
I’m not saying she wouldn’t have used them. I’m just saying that with all the powers of the state that we’re used, she didn’t need to. In Britain no one takes on the State and wins…….if the state doesn’t want to lose.
It's before my time really but wouldn't the officers have removed their collar numbers because they were from different forces? E.g. so PC 222 Smith at SYP didn't get mistaken for PC 222 Jones from the Met?
I got the **** kicked out of me one time. Behind the Shambles, bottom of Dog Lane. By 2 squaddies on leave, not much older than me, I was 17.. Just for being different. Aids hysteria was rife, even though we had very fit alternative lasses on our arms. Pi55 take is, that same week I had wandered into the RAF recruitment office in Barnsley bus station. With an idea of flying Harriers (love em).. Fella in uniform laughed when I put my specs on to read the blurb.. Said "You'll have to smarten yourself up, lad." I said "what & look like you?" I went off the idea, moved to London & joined a band. My Dad asked me later, would I have not gone to war to protect England & our families.? Both of us understanding that the first round was a pointless, wasteful load of young lives, on both sides. But I said "Yes & no. Knowing what i know now, I would have gone to Spain In 1937 to fight fascism & would have probably died.." Much respect to everyone who serves. There's definitely a legitimate war not too far off.. Probably Russia, hopefully not civil..
Out of the forces people I've met in my life it's about an even split between people who are completely sound and utter knobheads full of their own self importance who think civvies should bow at their feet simply due to their career choice. I've never met a self-important nurse.
The Monarchy of this country is in more danger from the right politic, than the left. They know it & that's what they are scared of. Revolution will maybe happen from the streets, but it will be the bankers pulling the strings. Overthrow of Monarchy suits the elite. Division of nation began 6 years ago. Most people are too stupid to see it.. I'm worried it's going to be very bloody..