FA CHARGE | BRISTOL ROVERS Club News Barnsley FC has been charged with a breach of FA Rule E20 that allegedly took place during the 50th minute of its EFL League One game against Bristol Rovers FC on Tuesday 16 August 2022. Continue reading on the official site...
Difficult one for the club. Apart from banning the person/s responsible, and having plenty of pre- notice of having a zero tolerance policy for this and other ‘unruly’ chants and behaviour, it’s still difficult to stop. Especially as It seems not that long ago that this particular chant was by and large just laughed at in the grounds, wrongly of course, but factual.
If it is the incident when the lady physio came on the pitch & she got a distasteful chorus from behind the goal then I am not sure how any club can be at fault for fans bursting into spontaneous songs , over the years I have heard all sorts from the fans , sometimes witty , other times likeable & sometimes disgusting , however never have I thought that any renditions are the clubs fault or controllable by the club .
I dont like what happened, but literally every club chant odious stuff like this. Are they going to try implement anything or just fine every club every week?
Solution - mic every fan up on entry to the ground and install hundreds of CCTV cameras pointing at every section of the stands. That’ll stop it, won’t it?? No, of course not but my suggestion is just as ludicrous as holding the club responsible for chanting/singing that some will take offence to.
We buy tickets which clearly state the rules and regulations of entry are adherence to the rules and regulation of the stadium. The club get fined if the people buying tickets don’t adhere, it’s up to the club now to enforce said rules.. harder said than done but I’m sure they might find one sacrificial lamb
It’s a bit of a nightmare really. While the Club can’t be blamed directly, there has to be some sanction I imagine. Even if it’s to focus the Club’s processes and messaging to fans. If it was a couple of hundred people monkey chanting, people would expect the Club to be sanctioned in some way. Probably the same analogy. Wonder what the hex mob would make of it all
Well there is no question that some of our "fans" are guilty of the offence but quite what the club could have done about it is hard to understand. This particular offence is unusual and not something I or the club expected - especially given we have a female Physio ourselves. Its a tricky one - one one hand its totally out of order and unacceptable behaviour by a small minority of fans and its right its dealt with On the other its hard to know how the club can police fans to such a degree that at the first sign of an inappropriate chant they can immediately eject the perpetrators
I'd say 75% of chants from all 92 clubs are abusive to someone. Maybe we should report Wednesday for the " Father is your brother, sister is your mother " chants. " Dirty Dingle bstd" is another I've heard. England fans sing anti- German songs, should the FA fine themselves for that. Not sure you can stop morons thinking they're funny.
No problem at all with this charge - so long as they apply the same rule consistently. The fact they won’t is what bothers me.
Imagine the size of the fine we would have got some years ago at Peterborough if we had been reported then, due to the abuse directed at Darren Ferguson and his dad ...lol it was far from pleasant but i found it very funny, especially when the home fans joined in too lol It was non stop for a good 10 15 minutes if not longer ......
The club can’t stop the numpties doing or shouting stupid things. If they can read they should look at the ‘ground rules’ posted up on the concourses. They would realise that the club is responsible for the acts and omissions for breaches of some of those rules. It places a duty on fans within the curtilage of the stadium not to breach those rules. The problem is many of the idiots chanting obscenities don’t have two brain cells to rub together or sense of individual responsibility.
We should start reporting every club whose fans chant something even slightly dodgy. See if it is consistent. Most clubs in England would have nowt left.
The football world has truly gone mad. Not condoning the chant at all but how on earth can the club be responsible for a chant by maybe 20 people? Crazy….
Britain 2022. The ethics of the Football Authorities. This isn’t acceptable but the sale of Clubs to overseas states (and dodgy ones at that) is fine. Sometimes it just isn’t the beautiful game’
What you say is right but I am not sure how a club can police fans collectively singing undesired songs & I think apart from putting up official notices & making public announcements that offensive singing is an offence I do not know what the club can do , if a few hundred fans can be heard as a group how can you actually prove that any individual is joining in , do you eject hundreds of fans , do you cancel season tickets or ban pay on the day fans who were in the area where the chants/singing were taking place ? It is impossible & for the life of me I think the football authorities punishing the clubs is ridiculous . The football league should issue guidelines of what they expect clubs to do & as long as these guidelines are adhered to then the club cannot be held responsible .