Not another bloody consortium. We need one owner not another complicated split board of different percentages.
The Sun who told us we were getting Duff, Helik was off to Huddersfield and Brittain was off to Blackburn. They get plenty right.
not saying it’s definitely right Helen just the comment on the fact it was in the Sun inferring it would be wrong
Possibly a few journos sat round chatting one says “have you seen Barnsley have had a cash injection , why on earth would anyone put money into Barnsley “ another says “ must be a takeover about “ ,Scum Sports Editor , “ I need a few lines to fill a page corner” , journo “Barnsley are being taken over blah blah “
no it really doesn’t , any paper can get things right or wrong, you might not like it but it’s a fact
would have thought that given assurances to the council by any new owners they would be happy to get their money back