Apologies for the shameless plug but we are trying to make eating out affordable. Different meal Mon - Thurs. Wed = Pie Night Mon = Burger night Tues = Curry night Wed = Pie Night Thurs = Chippy Night
I'm surprised this thread hasn't been hijacked by the laugh-a-minute brigade. I expected "Spy Night", "Pie Knight,", "Lie Night", "Rye Night", "Tie Night" etc coming up on the thread titles. Hopefully i can have a "Sigh of relief Night"
Looks brilliant that, I play football up there on a Thursday, think we’ll look to go and give it a whirl
Always seems unfair that couples who get tax breaks for being a couple and usually have two incomes get to eat cheaper. Heating, electricity and rent cost exactly the same if there's two people living in a house as one, but with two incomes to cover it. I basically pay twice as much for almost everything by being single. As a result I have literally zero chance of ever saving for the deposit of a mortgage. And if I go out for my tea, my meal is 2 quid more than those who go out in a couple.
This is the first thing I said when I saw the promotional stuff. I have a group for older isolated people - most of whom are bereaved. Seems wrong to penalise them. It has been raised, and you have given me ammunition to raise it again.
That is definitely true. One flip side to that though is that I used to enjoy going loads of places with my mates and didn’t think owt of it but paying for two tickets rather than one seems prohibitively expensive, even though I know there is double the income to cover it. E.g. Paying £23 to go to a local attraction but then it’s nearly £50 for two which feels like a lot more. Paying £16 to go to Arcade Club (like Retrodome) but £34 for two. I daren’t even look at theatre tickets anymore. I know two people get the entertainment but it’s just seems like a big chunk of money. For some things, like the meal at a pub/restaurant, two people only take up one table and order at the same time, whereas two single people would need seating and serving individually.