No wonder countrys collapsing when there are articles suggesting bosses should let employees have yoga classes at work.That will be when they get back to work after 12 months off for maternity leave.We would have loved it in 70s.
Not for me, if I want to do Yoga I'll do it in my own time, work is for work and getting the hell out of there as quick as possible. I've always been suspicious of company policies which aim to turn work into home/personal time activities - just means they want you at your desk longer. Maybe I'm a bit cynical.
Spot on. The volunteers had their Christmas Party before lockdown and when they arrived in the seminar room they had a team briefing. They haven't had one since.
Back to Yoga pants. Don't women look good in them. They must know some red blooded males leer over them. Can't think of a sexier item of clothing.