Other half off to see Morrissey at Doncaster Dome tonight. Anywhere decent to get a pint? Real ale place ideally.
I would suggest that a divorce is probably a better option than finding somewhere safe to drink in Doncaster - or having a partner who still likes Morrissey...
Nothing wrong with the Smiths - especially with their original singer Rick Astley - but the views of Mr Morrissey are certainly farther right than I'd be comfortable supporting now. See also Van Morrison, Skrewdriver and John Lydon (unfortunately).
Haha - he’s a good lad really. But I agree. He’s not been very well this week and there was a point where he suggested I might go in his place. Told him I’d rather stay home listening to Bieber.
Probably the most over rated performer in the modern era, not long ago Morrisey released a book, a novel, wot e rote, it was greeted with utter derision by critics and readers in general alike. Obnoxious twerp.
I like a good autobiography but despite my love of the Smiths and Morrissey’s early solo stuff that was one book I gave up on. Terrible read, I barely got half way before losing the will. He basically hates everyone lol.
I’m commenting based on music rather than politics. Loved the Smiths and thought Morrissey’s early stuff was decent too. Not listened much to his more recent offerings though if I’m honest.
The autobiography on the contrary received rave reviews apart from the guardian who lazily slate anything he does now without evidently paying any mind to it. His novel on the other hand wasn't looked on so favourably.
Used to go to the Hallcross when I was at Doncaster College. https://www.hallcrossdoncaster.co.uk/ No food now though.....