To donate online, you can go here and donate in memory of Gaz
It'd be pointless me saying I never saw you, because I barely got the chance to see anyone, such was the turnout. I said to Beth - "If I get even a quarter of the numbers to mine, I'll have done well." It was an emotional service, but the lady who led it (I believe it was the better half of @Marc) was superb. The way she spoke offered comfort even if the words themselves were causing tears to drop. People were stood outside, it was that full. Gutted to have had to say goodbye to a good pal at 49-years-old. But he packed some stuff into that time. Also gutted that I didn't spend more time with him in recent years, but that's a normal human reaction to death. Sad thing is, it's all too frequent the last few years. To Matthew, his mum, to young Harry and Lindsey too - a wonderful send-off for a hell of a bloke.
Cheers pal. Heather felt so proud to have been a part of it, and was truly touched by the kind words she got from people after. I wasn’t able to be there unfortunately, but so pleased it went well. Thanks again for the tribute from the Club. I promise you it meant a lot to the family.
Glad he got a great send off. Absolutely top bloke. Going to miss being hustled at pool by him after an away game.
From reading all the comments on here, it’s obvious that he was one of life’s nice guys and a proper fan. You could imagine him actually saying his comments so he posted his precise thoughts and opinions. RIP