That's taken as read! Although their tenure was extremely short compared with REM's. I'd love to live in a parallel universe where they were still making music through to the early 90's. Would be fascinating to see whether they would have maintained their standards.
See I've thought about this for years. Post break up, their music was "mixed" shall we say, some incredible highs and some filth. But if they stayed together and kept the quality control up, with them supplying 4 tracks for each album it would have been fascinating. Picking the electric guitars back up in the 70s, trying to answer Punk at the end of that decade, combating New Wave in the 80s then when Britpop took over, reminding everyone who was boss. Lennon and McCartney and their respective pride robbed us of 30 years of genius. They'd have been a brilliant - almost as good as Oasis...
When you’ve got birds carrying signs like this to your gigs… You know you’ve made it! As for Mirrorball, wasn’t sure about it after first listen, had a few more listens since and I like it. Sounds like it could be a Bond theme. Looking forward to the release of the new album.
A friend of mine from Manchester met the Gallaghers brothers in London twice during the height of their fame. First time they recognised his accent and he spent the night with them and had a right laugh. Second time they were very aloof and almost aggessive. Paul Weller tried to get a bunch of people thrown off the set of the Tube because he though they were loitering outside his dressing room - it was the queue for the toilet!
Nothing wrong with a bit of Jim Thirlwell (aka Clint Ruin aka Frank Want aka Foetus). Although the name "Scrapping Foetus off the wheel" might cause some offence...
Arctic Monkeys don't make any sense. There's no way a small primate could survive in that environment..- I'm just going out for some nuts love, I may be some time..
I really like Pet Shop Boys and Depeche Mode. There, I've aired my dirty secret, I feel better now, absolved.