Be interesting to know where the money actually goes. Presume the players don't get £25 to split between them. Maybe it pays for someone's Christmas do.
That's not how they do it. Before the season starts 50 cards are taken to the players lounge and over the course of the week each player puts his signature on all of them. Takes an individual player a couple of minutes or so. The cards are already signed and in the club shop when someone wishes to buy one. Then when someone purchases one the shopkeep adds Happy Birthday John, or Jennifer, or Catherine or whatever. They don't go trailing round hunting down players every time someone buys an autographed card.
To be honest the £25 will just offset some of the player wages we can’t afford to pay probably. Football is a weird business that is basically ran to pay players wages that the clubs can’t really afford. No other business is ran that way.
I honestly don't think that's a bad price at all these days mate, especially all the team signing it. Seems weird though doesnt it. But if our Marsh, Jalo or Dyer turn out to be the next Haaland, you'll be able to sell it for a bob or two...
They’re not already queuing up to do it in the gift shop though… I’ll come into your place of work and ask you to stop what you’re doing and sign a card…
Properly got the giggles now. I want to live in this world where Maureen from the club shop trudges on to the training field and gets all the players to sign little Johnny's birthday card. And then when she gets back goes off and does it again because someone else has bought one. And on and on it goes.
It’s also pretty sad. Can only imagine one of those kids super excited at getting the card but only cos the player is obligated.
It's not as though the kid should be told that though? It'd be a lot harder if we were a massive club with 100s of thousands of fans, or millions in Wednesdays case!,
Reminds me of that infamous Partridge scene this Arm wrestling with Chas and Dave... Inner-city sumo.. We take fat people from the inner cities, put them in big nappies, and then get them to throw each other out of a circle that we draw with chalk on the ground... very cheap to make, do it in a pub car park..
When it was my lad’s birthday a few years ago, I bought a card at the club shop and then lurked around the back of the north stand before an U23 game, where his hero, Adam Davies, was more than happy to sign the card and record a video message for him. The boy, as you can imagine, was thrilled.
I don’t understand why the OP said he ‘asked for the card to be signed by the players’ if it was already there, pre signed? Having never bought a card from the shop before, that sounds like he picked up a blank one, took it to the counter and asked for it being filled with signatures. The reason you find it so funny is the reason why I said I think £25 is reasonable, because it really would be a pain if Maureen had to keep doing that.
Seems abit expensive I can have a season ticket for a tenner for young Alfie but a birthday card is £25 surely there the same thing the next generation of supporters. I get theres a cost to it maybe the club could look at this and put a extra charge on the season ticket that includes a birthday card for the under 12's say £20 then we are targeting the kids that have already got the love for the club and this makes them feel special for one day a year.
They didn’t have any cards already signed we were advised we would need to collect after the next home game when the players have signed them . Apparently before every home game footballs and cards etc are set out for the players to sign when they arrive .
I was imagining that they would take them to training the next day for signing - leave them in a pile for the players to sign as they arrive and before they get changed, but weekly before a game also works