Banning Solar Farms across most of England Seriously if a foreign power took control of our government and set about destroying the UK they couldnt do a much better job than the Tories have done since the last election
It's gone beyond belief now. They now know their days are numbered so they're "filling their boots"....
The way I read it though is that they've recommended no solar on "prime" farmland to grow crops and food. Seems reasonable to me** ** I'm not in any way defending the Tories
Nanny state banning farmers from a lucrative revenue stream. How very un-Tory. Also, I thought reducing surplus food production wastage was a reason we ought to have left there there dastardly EU?
Did you read the article though - Its quite possible to do both on the same land and in any case we cant harvest the crops we grow at the moment due to a shortage of labour - we would rather let crops rot in our fields than either have foreigners coming here , or let farmers help solve our energy needs it seems. Bet Fracking is allowed though
Farmland with solar panels on can still be used for food production, for example, sheep or cows can graze round the panels and keep the grass down which would be difficult by any other means. No reason to remove the panels - the farmer benefits financially into the bargain. What's not to like?
Sounds to me like Tories are interfering with "The Market", if a farmer thinks he can make more money using Solar panels then planting wheat, the Government, according the theory they love so much, needs to get out of the way, otherwise its the nanny state interfering, worse then Stalin era Culak persecutions, etc.
How about solar cows etc. Give all the cattle solar jackets and when they get brought into the dairy for milking, the solar batteries are also swapped, powering the dairy. It's almost free farming, haha.
I can't see anywhere where it states they are being removed, just not being built on certain Grade land in the future
Exactly this and the hospitality industry is almost on its knees , the holiday camps can’t give the same service as they used to ie regular housekeeping etc and hotels are almost run off their knees and can’t get stafff . But st least we’ve got Brexit done !
I'm starting to believe that Farage et al are actually hell bent on the creation of a European Federal State. They realised that we were so so about the EU, so created Brexit in order to completely screw the country and drive us back in and turn everyone rabidly pro-EU.
Rabidly pro EU no thanks. Single market and freedom of movement for work and leisure are all good ideas. Political entwinement isn't.
It isn’t really practical to continue farming on land used for solar. If you’ve ever seen a solar farm, that much is obvious. Given our over-reliance on imported food, it’s probably no bad thing to prevent them being built on prime arable land. However, the real reason it is being banned is because the shire Tories think solar farms are an eyesore, same as wind farms.
Political entwinement ? No EU politicians could make a better job of running this country down , driving our workforce back to the eighteenth century all in the act of enriching their friends and families than the Tories .
As a side note, here's what the lovely folk in Inverness think of the Conservative MP Douglas Ross (the linesman) Link
Come on, don’t be fooled by that claptrap. We already produce more food than we have workforce to harvest! And it isn’t really ‘prime’ land. They are already banned from prime land. They are merely extending the criteria in which the panels can’t be installed - making it unviable for any to be installed whatsoever. And also removing a money stream for farmers making it even more difficult to make a living. It isn’t about increasing production at all. It’ll kill off a lot of farms and reduce it. This is designed solely to appease their friends in high places in the energy division of the corporate gravy train. New faces at the helm but it was ever thus. And they’re barely trying to hide what they’re up to at this point.