I don't usually criticise the club much, however I have to take issue with the official club Twitter today. On a day where the BBC post thisand reported 380 bans for attacks on referees the tone and disrespect in some of the live tweets today were unacceptable in my opinion. Regardless of the performance of the referee, I wouldn't expect anyone at the club to make comments like the below. Fans are free to express their opinions, but I have been noticing comments like these for a while now and it's disappointing that there seems to be a lack of respect for the officials from people employed at the club.
Surprised a little yes, disappointed no. Refs this season have mostly been ****, I don’t mind if my club comments on the decisions made by refs, good or bad.
If they're absolute dog toss and clearly favouring one team over the other when people have paid good money to see a fair and unbiased game, I'm not sure what the problem is in calling that out?
Respect has to be earned though surely. The foul on Cole was so blatant I watched in disbelief as he waved play on - in the first half in particular he was giving free kicks to Bolton but not giving us similar ones. Second half he did start to give us some fouls and actually the free kick we won in the 93 minute as a poor decision in our favour. Just out of interest if the twitter feed is providing a running commentary do you expect them to tweet when a player is scythed down after already riding 2 attempted fouls and the ref waves for a goal kick it really was crackers
Nothing wrong with those tweets. They are completely right. If refs didn't make big mistakes there would be nothing to mention.
A think maybe a little tongue in cheek plus that referee was absolutely fuking *****!!!! I hope that helps a little
He's suggesting the defender got the ball. Then gave a goal kick. Absolutely crackers, as the twitter commentary said, from 200 yards further out than the referee.
Sorry Skryptic I have to disagree with your comments , I see nothing wrong with the club twitter comments , as reds fans everyone of us were frustrated by the incompetent officials & the comments just show the frustration, they are not an insult & they are not offensive they simply sum up what a lot of us were thinking .
Nothing wrong with those tweets at all. They’re only saying what happened. The referee was poor yesterday. But that’s the standard we should expect in this league.
Don't have a problem at all with the club saying pretty much what every BFC fan in the ground was saying (minus the expletives).
Yep, we can debate/ discuss even argue forever about a bad decision, even about a ref having a bad game or not, but the constant again seems to be about rank performances, incompetence and treating sides/ players differently. Whilst ever that continues I will see it as nothing else but cheating
I actually agree with the OP on this one. Whilst the person running the Twitter feed may think that the ref is woeful and incompetent, he or she has to remain professional and report on the game. Just my opinion, which as we all know, is utterly worthless.
Referee's are human, let's be honest, power's that be brought in Var, still gerrin it wrong, one Ref might be ok, next week a total ******, i've been watching football for 46yrs and its swings and rarndabarts. Carry on Reffing wi art you we'd be fooooked