In the house of Commons, she didn't turn up initially, Penny Mourdant took questions in her absence, Truss has just turned up looking utterly spaced out.
I'd like to stone her. Already had Ovo on wanting to increase my direct debit again today ffs "given the uncertainties on price created beyond March by the new Chancellor's announcement this morning as part of your annual cycle." I told them to do one (well, do several actually!)
Hunt us effectively running the show now. It's a total shambles of a Government. The Energy price garuntee cut from 2 years to 6 months today the latest roll back.
Im torn on this - part of me wants her to soldier on and call a General Election which would result in a massive defeat for the the Tories - but doing untold damage to the country in the process If the grown ups take over the Tory Party ie Mordaunt Sunak and Hunt (ahem ) they may be able to point to an improvement to the position from when they took over and find enough people with short memories to vote for them Its a bit academic anyway as Truss is clearly not even up to pretending she can do the job and I doubt she will see the month out. Hows the lettuce doing?
Sums up everything wrong with our outdated system that we can plod on like this without a General election.
Even the chaotic Italian government would have thrown the towel in by now. Even the Mafia has more regard for the state of their country than our lot do for ours.
The one thing that really worries me is every Prime minister since Blair has been worse than his/her predecessor what makes anyone think that Trusses replacement will be an improvement - other than I cant imagine how he/she could possibly be worse but my imagination is more limited than the Tory partys capabilities for surprise
Careful what you wish for. If I was a Tory PM, I’d definitely call a GE now and enjoy my 5 years in opposition. I wouldn’t want to navigate the next 2 years whilst being in office. If Labour had any sense, they wouldn’t push for one either. Having said that, there might not be a country left in 18 months.
Call an election now with Truss still Party leader and the Lib Dems would be the official opposition This is too good to be true but we can dream
I did enjoy a couple of Starmers comments today. "The lady is not for turning up" "In this Conservative Government everyone gets to be PM for 15 minutes"
Liz Truss is proof that the political system in the UK needs wholesale changes. A woman who only 35,000 people ever voted for as even an MP put herself up as a candidate for the prime minister's job and despite 86% of Tory MPs voting against her in the first round of votes she somehow wins? How the f does that work? 307 Tory MPs voted that they didn't want her as pm and yet here she is. If that isn't a clear indication that the process needs to change the. I don't know what is. Not that it matters, she isn't even prime minister now, she just uses the title. We all know Zack is the prime minister