All well and good but the "Oil Giants" are not the distribution companies UK based but OPEC, comprising multinationals and Sovereign States determine supply and wholesale prices of gas and oil. They are the ones making huge profits. How do you propose that the UK Govt tax them? The distribution companies that we CAN tax are subject to the price determined by the suppliers. If that is higher than the CAP imposed by regulators then they simply go bust (as many did).
Agree with this. Unfortunately we are now entering into a deep and ugly recession for the next few years. Not unsurprising given Covid spending/shock. Not helped by brexit / incompetence
She has just said she will lead(!) them into the next election. That should mean the lettuce wins I think
It was hard to imagine anyone worse than Johnson, but the Tories managed to find one. I'm confident they can do it again.
After a few beers the answer came unbidden to my mind. Suella Braverman As smart as Truss but with added benefit of being even more evil and unlikeable
I'm surprised that Hunt has had such an easy time from, in particular, broadcasters on Monday. By my reckoning he has ended the £2,500 energy cost cap now and not in April. This is because we just about all use a far, far greater amount of energy in the October to March period than from April to September and so will be paying the £2,500 unit prices on the highest part-year energy consumption levels. This will cost much, much more than half a year's worth of the £2,500 cap and when extrapolated to an annual level is vastly more than £2,500 (based on average consumption). However, before Hunt we would then, in the period from April 2023 to September 2023 when our consumption typically falls massively, be clawing back our costs to get back to the £2,500 level for the whole year. However, after Hunt, the prices will go up in April (perhaps massively) so and we will never be able to level off the high costs from our Winter consumption position and £2,500 at average annual consumption will not be achievable. It'll be costing more in Winter because of usage and more in Summer because of price. So, in the midst of all the political hoo-ha today, it seems Hunt has got away with right royally and deceitfully shafting the whole country. By rights the cap should now be adjusted to a figure which may or may not be £1,250 for the period 1 October to 31 March based on average historic consumption over those months.
OPEC+ recently announced they are slashing production by around a fifth, because barrel prices have dropped by nearly $80 dollars since June($120) in an attempt to shore up the price of a barrel. Shame we’ve not seen such a drop at pump prices.
She done a sit down interview with the bbc, Truss just about gets away with pre arranged sit down interviews bur can't do the on the hoof stuff her brain can't work fast enough you can see the cogs whirring and the smell of burning if you're there I bet. Anyway we are back to the delivery stage you know the one we had before the **** up stage and the good news she also back to been focused so nothing to worry about we are in safe hands.
To give him the benefit of the doubt (a bit daft of me I know) I think he's looking at a windfall tax which would pay for the next round of price cap adjustment.
You missed out the £400 off bills over the same period. We'll have to see what happens (not holding my breath) by April. It probably is a bit too much to commit to capping everyone's bills for 2 years. The issue is "targeted" support is going to need to go well beyond just those on benefits.
Seemingly she was meeting Sir Graham Brady, chairman of the 1922 Committee. Under the current rules she's safe from a Tory vote of confidence for 12 months irrespective of the strength of feeling against her from her own MPs. I suspect he might have more than enough letters already to trigger that vote if he chose to rip up the rule book.
Yes, we will probably all end up paying higher than the much vaunted "cap" that they've been pushing as a major policy triumph for the past couple of months. On top of massively increased mortgages for anyone paying one - and rent increases too for those whose landlords have mortgages...
Braverman is a Buddhist. From a sect that had allegations of child abuse in the 70s/80s. Unfortunately, she is the "Cause of Suffering" and will be resurrected as a botfly. Patel - enough has already been said about that evil gremlin Mordaunt - just as ideological as Truss, but a better liar - and she has family links to one of the companies bidding for an "Investment Zones"/Freeports/Charter Cities (Liverpool IIRC). Also appeared to have lied about her military service. Hunt - His record at Health and Foreign Secretary should be enough to rule him out of any opportunity, but he appears to have been forgiven for leaving us completely unprepared for a pandemic Most of the rest are a bunch of also rans and failures - Wallace might do a steady job, but he might actually be intelligent enough to realise its a poisoned chalice now.