Ideologically, yes. Financially, I honestly don't see how you think it would help. The only two really solvent countries in the bloc are in crises just as deep, if not more so, than our own.
We should just print more money and give it to the people. Or we could make some more gold. Better still invade a minnow and pinch their gold to prop up our economy.
It started with Thatcher. Ever since her, the party of government and the opposition have (barring a blip with Corbyn) shuffled slightly further right every election cycle. You can only go so far right before you fall off a cliff.
Anne Widdicombe mentioned the famous note that Labour left in 2010 - this lot will need to leave the Encyclopedia Britanica to explain this sh** show
It would at least reduce the self-inflicted trade barriers with millions of customers throughout Europe. This would help not only us but Germany and France as well as the rest of the EU. Marginally maybe, but small steps mate, small steps. Also it would banish the loonies like Farrage and the Tufton Street lot once and for all. Worth it just for that.
What about this today where pensions are going to rise with inflation, but benefits aren't. How on Earth can that be justifiable? Pensions - paid regardless of means testing and received by even the wealthiest, none of whom likely have dependants under 18 and the overwhelming majority of whom own their own houses. Yet those dependent on benefits - which are means tested - are completely at the mercy of economic forces on mortgage rates/rents and costs borne by their dependants. It's just completely wrong, not that I'm necessarily advocating breaking triple lock but if anything it should be the other way round. But you know, oldies tend to vote Tory, so...
It's quite likely that there is going to be some sort of sovereign debt crisis amongst the poorer EU members due to the impact of covid, cost of living and energy situation. So the more wealthy members will be again asked to provide bailout even though they are in the financial mire as well. One good reason to be outside the EU. Regardless of the incompetence of our new PM, anybody who thinks this is a UK isolated problem needs to take a look around the world. Same thing with expecting Labour to come into power and everything will be brilliant. We have had unprecedented spending due Covid especially, none of the parties have the magic money tree some folk think they have. Tories are making things worse but could someone help me out with what the opposition are suggesting would help as well as the windfall tax which will hardly make big waves in reality. Times like these should demand that parliament all work together as some sort of emergency state to introduce measures with the backing of all parties.
You like a race to the bottom don’t you ? There’s many pensioners on the poverty line , some are going to die this winter for lack of help and support because they’ve been lumped in with the wealthy pensioners and disregarded because of that . Thers also wealthy parents receiving child benefit as well as the poorest who are in poverty doesn’t mean we should grab all those benefits back or stop them rising . Thers many ways to make a point about benefits etc not rising without condemning others who rely on rises but are judged on some wealthy ones .
Given that it's the tories that make the decision on whether to call a GE, I can't see them doing so any time soon. Current projections have them at what? under 50 seats? They're not going to vote to lose their jobs.
No there aren't. Child benefit is means tested and not payable to any family where one individual earns over £60k. Also, if you'd actually read my post rather than gone off on one, you might understand that my concern is benefits not following inflation rather than being upset that pensions are. If you're going to get shouty and angry, you might want to check the facts.
Actually, it says it’s a ‘non- means tested’ benefit but may incur a higher tax charge if your income exceeds 50k
Whoa boy . The shouty and going off on one are in your head not my post , It was a reasoned observation of your post incuring your wrath on pensioners insinuating were all rich if you didn’t think it was why mention it . Child benefit isn’t means tested although there is more scrutiny now than there was for the high earners . You don’t have to make points by slamming other groups , your initial observation snd review of this govt attacking the poorest are valid and relevant but using other claimants and derogatising isn’t necessary.
Doubt many are thinking this, even if a GE was called now it would take at least 2 consecutive terms in office to start seeing the light at the of the tunnel. The point is though, what we have now, and have endured over the last 12 years has to be stopped. We need to see the end of this divisive and damaging Tory political ideology first before country. That can only happen when they are rid of.
Actually, it's a graded tax charge between £50k and £60k, but if you earn over £60k then the tax charge you face if you earn over £60k is 100% of the benefits claimed, in effect meaning you get nothing. So folk are given the option of effectively self declaring and opting out rather than receiving it only to jhave to pay the whole lot back.
Well it didn’t used to be for many years . It was deemed cheaper to make it universal than means test it and it also gave something back to the high earners for tax contributions and make it not unpopular so the poorest weren’t stigmatised . If it is now means tested its through the Tories and they’ve done a good job of stigmatising people as usual . Attacking Tory cuts on some of the poorest is commendable and the right thing to do .
It's a "non means tested benefit" but if either parent earns over £60k you don't get it? That's ace. Regardless of Government semantics trying to claim it's a universal benefit when it clearly isn't, the "wealthy" are not receiving it as Marlon claims.