REDS PUT TO THE TEST ON TEAM BONDING TRIP Club News The Reds were put through their paces in the Peak District by a former marine to further embed the core values of the team. Continue reading on the official site...
Any water temperature below 70 degrees should be treated with caution for those not wearing a wetsuit or drysuit, the National Center for Cold Water Safety warns. When water temperatures are between 60 and 70 degrees it becomes progressively more difficult to control your breathing. 60°F Is 15°c 50°F is 11°C and according to science you'd be probably unconscious within an hr. Dead within 3hrs.
It's not "icy" though until it's about 0 degrees. It'll be "bitterly" cold next. I wonder how many turned up in their sliders?
Just pointing out 11° in water is very, very cold. The use of the word icy just emphasises it. As we all do.
Surprised they did this,good for bonding but if someone got injured yomping over moors then he’ll to pay
After the 2.5km walk to the initial checkpoint, the squad were then ordered to carry selected teammates, who were pretending to be injured, Has Oulare come back and found a use for him?
My partner is a cold water swimmer and she won’t go in the Nidd At Knaresborough just yet even though there are plenty of swimmers there almost every day. It’s not cold enough for her! Winter visits to Poland are best where they break the ice before dipping. Not a wet suit between them either - just hat, gloves and boots with normal swimming cozzies. Bonkers, the lot of them