Ben Wallace, the defence secretary has cancelled an appearance before the Commons defence committee because he had to go to Washington for urgent talks amid fears of Russian escalation. Asked about this a spokesperson said. “We are very clear with Putin that the use of nuclear weapons will lead to severe consequences. I would guide away from speculating on this as an issue. I think the public need to be reassured that we are taking a strong lead in this area.” Putin has imposed martial law in annexed provinces and is deporting 60,000 civilians ahead of an expected Ukrainian assault on Kherson He hinted at a further escalation, calling the Ukrainian authorities “satanists” who have ignored Russia’s warnings. “Russia has repeatedly given a chance to the command of the satanists to come to their senses. But we were not heard or ignored. Now everything will be different, we will dictate the terms.” Not good. At all.
Bad news, it was reported yesterday that Putin has put a ‘nuclear umbrella’ around the recent ‘annexation regions’ He’s desperate so anything can happen here
Sounds like he’s clearing the region and enticing the Ukrainian soldiers into the region and possibly use tactical nuclear weapons on them . It lose lose for the rest of the world imo , if we give in to him for fear of him using these weapons There's no doubt in my mind he’ll confront us again on other issues . If we make a stand who knows what he’ll do and there’s no winners . We have to go all in imo because there’s no doubt China will go after Taiwan seeing our weakness and we’ll have another Cold War for a short time before the inevitable . He’s been emboldened by attacks in other countries ie the Shripals etc and his oligarchs have acted like the oprichniks worming their way into top society of the west enabled by useful idiots like Boris charging through legislation to get them in the House of Lords !
Chinese have pulled all their citizens from the Ukraine, making the possibility of nuclear attack even more likely. Possibly a tip off? What the bell is wrong with folk? I thought we’d progressed as a civilisation past the point of stupid world wars…. When it seems we actually never learn.
Putin is an idealist , he laments the break up of the Former Soviet Republic . The oligarchs on the other hand are Mafia Dons , opportunists who he courted , promoted and sent out to conquer the west by infiltrating it’s high societies . I’d have thought these would have back stabbed him by now as they’re not idealists but selfish criminals who’d want non of this . I know he’s murdered some but surely he can’t have infiltrated the Kremlin to such an extent that the fascist element are in total control . Hopefully this madness is stopped by sensible Russians but as his crimes muster he’s dragging the Russian people deeper into his criminal activities and how far they are now entwined to not be able to stop is anybody guess
If I was a betting man I’d say It looks to me like Russia are going to let Ukraine into Kherson and then destroy it, either by carpet bombing it or using a nuke.
I agree. With them telling the locals to get out it's so when the place is empty and the Ukraine soldiers take over the whole area, it's easy to fly over them and drop nukes on them.
Can't see it, he wouldn't risk his own life from US nuclear retaliation. Not a bunker on this planet would save him from the far more advanced weaponry from the US alone.
Bingo. He can fire as many nukes around the world as he wants but in doing so he must know it is the end of his life, his kids lives and the life of every russian on the planet. For every nuke he sends out there will be 5 countries sending them back. He should have been assassinated years ago
And more or less every country will have their nukes already waiting and pointing at Russia I would imagine
I guarantee we will have some of our nuclear subs inches from their shores already. Would be able to destroy Russia before theirs had even landed.
Extremely naive rhetoric! The UK has 225 nuclear warheads whilst Russia have more than 6,000! Start throwing in those from respective allies and the total figure gets above 12,000! if only 1% of these landed that’s enough to end life as we know it on the planet multiple times over! No winners in a nuclear outcome … and unfortunately the politicians seem only to want show similar rhetoric to score political points!
There won't be a western nuclear response if Putin used tactical nuclear weapons... there probably will be a massive conventional response...this war is proving Russia is incapable of defending itself against such an attack. It's been reported that B52's and stealth bombers have been patrolling the Poland/Lithuania borders with Belarus for some days. The Russian airforce and air defences are proving themselves to be a weak force against western supplied counter measures, prior to Putin's invasion NATO would have had serious concerns about an attack,but Russia have put their latest kit into this war and Ukraine have destroyed it with (relative) ease...they are so short of effective munitions they are buying low tech drones from Iran and sending them at civilian targets rather like Hitler's V1...after a few rough days Ukraine claim to be destroying 80% in the air. What is probably most telling is that Russian media are no longer talking about any successes this saying that they will probably evacuate Kherson to save civilian casualties, they are now (openly?) debating who is to blame for the failures, though no-one is blaming Putin publicly.
No, it may be coincidence that the only two people I've ever met that worked on a sub managed to crash them, but I'm fairly sure that the subs would be a little visible "inches" from their shore. But they will likely be in the Baltic or White Sea ready to launch. However, given the prevailing wind direction, any fallout from nukes on Ukraine would blow straight back over Russia.
Not so sure that would stop him tbh . He’s 70 years old , information is he’s suffering life threatening diseases and time is now limited , He’s more interested in his legacy and if nuclear Armageddon prevents it being trashed I would very much think he’d rather take that option . As far as his family and friends are concerned he’s had close friends murdered , imprisoned etc , no one gets close to Putin not even his family , he’s a cold dark person incapable of love as we know imo . If all the preventions and checks and balances surrounding Russias use on these arms are not secure imo he will use them . As I’ve said in other it’s my opinion There’s people still in power in the Kremlin to prevent him and I really hope I’m right .
239 day's of hell for 45 million people, and the 60, or so thousand Russian dead, thoughts and prayers to all concerned, whatever happens, whatever the outcome who's going to win, pointless loss of life and infastructure for nothing.