Could be entertaining if they do a poll and the oldest and most likely not Sunak fans don’t get to vote
And they expect us to trust them to run things???.....they can't even rig their own elections correctly
When it was Rishi vs Sunak, I posted that I couldn't decide whether I wanted Sunak for the chance of someone who would know what they were doing with the economy or Truss as she would be so disastrous for the Tories. I now can't decide whether I want Sunak for the chance of someone who would know what they were doing with the economy or Johnson again as he's such a liar/crook/etc. and will hopefully be the final nail in the Tory's coffin once they realise yet again just how bad he is (and there's still the possibility of a by-election which would be hilarious).
shocked that a Murdoch owned media outlet is conducting this poll and I would assume the same tools that read his $hite rags also watch this 8ollocks
True though those figures don’t look believable even for the Members. Just the far right racists. I did see some Tory Associations were threatening MP’s with de selection if they don’t vote Bozo. Bit of a tricky choice. Vote for the liar and Charlatan who will be suspended by Christmas and be certain to lose your Seat next GE. Or vote for a candidate who just may turn things round and save the party from annihilation but be deselected. Ideal result for Labour is Sunak gets over 200 MPs and Bozo just scrape past 100. And it goes to the members
Is that because people think it would be hilarious to watch the Tories continue to implode rather than because they actually think he makes a good PM though? There’s no way to tell the motive.
Really is a mess either way isn't it. Sunak probably makes more sense but the Tory members don't want him. The members want Johnson but he will tare the party apart further.