The Options appear to be : 1 Sunak 2 Johnson WTF??? 3 Mordaunt ..with the only other option a GE in which case Labour would be nailed on to take office. . My concern is that any further delays resulting in a Govt in limbo is adding to even more uncertainty in the markets and investors rattled resulting in higher Govt borrowing . Whilst far from ideal (an understatement) I cannot help but think, for now, only Sunak reaching the magic hundred, with Johnson and Mordaunt failing to do so, leaving Sunak declared as PM is probably the best option. Anything else with drag it out with votes having to be cast by the same numpty Conservative Party members and, no doubt, challenges raised due to internet voting only possible lack of secure votes etc. A GE in circumstances where one party will have had 3 PMs and complete changes in policy direction inside of two months without a mandate approved by the electorate is totally un-democratic, should be the correct path to take I agree. Nevertheless, in the current crisis, can we afford Parliament being dissolved for 25 days due to a snap election being called? If he fails to turn things round and stabilise the markets quickly and at least show some signs of helping to ease the cost of living crisis for miillions (a tall order for anyone) then fine. If not, a vote of no confidence in the Govt in the relatively near future could bring about a GE.
Can see Boris coming back. The prodigal son returns from his jollies in the Caribbean to save the day. Already had a meeting with Sunak.
Surely even they can't be that daft ! Or can they....? Not sure what Brexit has to do with the immediate issue? "GE now" means, like my OP stated, 25 days with no-Government at the helm (Parliament dissolved) with all the uncertainty that entails leading up to Christmas. What happens in the meantime?
If you think Brexit has nothing to do with this situation you are being willfully obtuse. we’ve had no government at the helm for years just yes men, un elected advisors and charlatans. call it what you want. We know what it is.
I said "immediate issue". Read the OP again. You may think differently, but the markets see a world of difference between a functioning Govt ( however inept we believe the policies to be) and an economy with no Govt.
You really think so? I doubt it. Some (too many) seem to think it’s wonderful to have a song and act as their Prime Minster. He could quite literally schit on their doorstep and they would still vote for him in a general election. I fear that if he gets onto the ticket he will be back in. Let’s hope that most Tory mps vote in the best interests of the country and not in their own personal interest.
Cause and effect. Brexit has permanantly destroyed the tory party. Regardless of opinion of being pro or anti, it has driven a wedge between them. You voted for this despite claiming otherwise. Todays situation is a direct response to the last 6 years. So now you have a load of libertarian ideologues all having to take partisan sides. The right wing always needs an enemy, somebody to blame, and they have accidentally put themselves in that position. Jeremy Corbyn took the flak for 4 years previously… he’s gone so in true lord of the flies style they eat each other… or blame immigration. Leave and Remain tories are trapped. Pro Boris and anti Boris tories are trapped. They can't help but attack each other. The tories are dead.
Don't get this '25 days with no Government at the helm' for a General Election line at all given that we've palpably had no credible nor functioning Government whatsover for approaching a whole year now already. Johnson's time from last November lurched from lie to lie, backstab to backstab, crisis of confidence to crisis of confidence, insincere apology to insincere apology, charade to charade, partygate, partygate week after week and the only policy I can remember from the whole of that time was the Tories ripping up manifesto commitments on coast to coast high speed rail in the North and Rishi introducing higher taxes and National Insurance whilst the rest of the advanced world was doing the opposite. This was then followed by the paralysis of the far too long a time taken eventually ousting the lying buffoon, then the many weeks and months of nothingness with Boris playing Tiddlywinks whilst Truss and Sunak went hammer and tongs slagging each other off, with again, nothing getting done. That culminated in the final stultifyingly incompetent and desperately destructive six weeks of Kami-Kwazi, Truss-onomics and plenty of other Pork Market tripe. It's telling that the one day when the market's did briefly look up was in the immediate aftermath of Truss's resignation. 25 days would be a miniscule sized small price to pay for even a vaguely competent and progressive Government at the end of it.
But those who like bozo are a minority. A very large, sizeable minority but a minority. Those who don't absolutely hate him. It isn't a case of people just not really rating him, they absolutely hate him
I tend to agree. All Boris has to do is get 100 MPs to back him - he currently has 58 (according to the Telegraph) - and you'd think he'd win the members vote. Obviously on every level this would be wrong for the country but part of me wants this to occur as I feel it could be the quickest way to a General Election and hopefully the death of the Conservative party in it's current guise. He still has to answer to the Commons Privileges Committee which may find that he misled Parliment which could make his position as PM untenible forcing yet another leadership election and probably a General Election. Unfortunately this has to played out against a backdrop of social and economic issues which makes this farce uncomfortable viewing.