...Some of you will be amazed that my wife has put up with me for so long. (She is still looking for my hidden talents... once found I'm a gonner!!) Celebrated with a visit to hospital in Amandola for my wife to have a scan on her swollen knee (we really know how to push the boat out!!).... followed drive up into the mountains/ski slopes ... Still summer weather and no sign of any of the white stuff which would usually be around now at 1500m+. Went for a short walk in T-Shirt and light jumper. Out for a meal at local 'fine dining' restaurant tonight which bizarrely opened in our small rural comune last year.
All the best … Been married to Barnsley for 46 years and there’s been many peaks and troughs but we’re still together .. just
Thanks. Just to think I could have been out by now for good behaviour (only joking) We have had our ups and downs over the years but the secret has been to accept each others faults (and I have plenty of them) for what they are.
Congratulations. I've only had one relationship that lasted 10 years. Should have hidden my talents better I guess.
Our secret is that I worked nights and weekends for 30 yrs , the first 10yrs my wife worked shifts !!!
Ah! You may be onto something there. I used to work as a musician involving not only many gigs leaving at 3 pm, weekend included nd getting home between 3 and 5am as well as weeks away when we were gigging in Germany. My wife was a teacher in that time so our paths rarely crossed. A few years later I spent time working in IT which involved some long term projects where I was on site away from home for weeks on end Monday to Friday or working out of another office staying in hotels. I hated that.
They say absence makes the heart grow fonder . Me and my Mrs work together and can confirm the above .
Thanks all for your posts. We had a pleasant evening and meal at the restaurant and I have just returned home with my slightly tipsy wife. Having adapted to the Italian lifestyle we had a 3 course meal and coffee... arrived at 8pm left at 10:50pm !!