Musk on Trump’s ban from Twitter “I think it was a morally bad decision and foolish in the extreme.” Trump on Musk buying Twitter “very happy that Twitter is now in sane hands, and will no longer be run by Radical Left Lunatics and Maniacs that truly hate our country”. What could possibly go wrong?
I got banned a few weeks ago from Twitter - somebody said he could slap himself for voting for Brexit - I replied there's a few million who would happily slap you for free. 7 days ban yet the stuff posted about Sunak was vile
I'm torn on this really. On the one hand allowing people to post lies on a platform to millions is not good. On the other its also dangerous to start banning people from speaking for having opinions you disagree with. It's a fine line.
He's always come across as a smug tw@t to me with a face I want to punch. Don't know the guy and I'm as soft as 5hit but I'd love to punch him.
I disagree … If I walk around Town tomorrow saying free beers from 12-3pm in No.7 it’s a lie but not illegal, immoral or will result in me getting banned from Barnsley Town centre. People have different opinions and views, unless it’s vile, spiteful or hate driven they can believe and say what they want. (People have got to start accepting and respecting people’s decisions …. It’s why we are all such amazing individuals). I believe we landed on the moon but I have some really great friends who think we didn’t …. I love having the discussions and looking into both sides of the argument. here’s a really good one: 1. Brexit is great! 2. Brexit is ****! Guess what …. Both are opinions shared by millions of people.
But posting lies on a platform to millions isn’t having a different opinion, it’s posting lies to a platform for millions.
But who decides they are lies? That’s the problem, to millions who believe the same viewpoint that’s their view. Millions believe we landed on the moon, Millions believe we didn’t! who you going to ban and who has the final decision?
I know Trump is a twit, but it really did seem politically motivated to me, considering at the time the Ayatollah of Iran, Russian President, Mohommed Bin Salman amongst many other literal terrorists were allowed on
It's weird that militant right wingers think it's fine for business owners to refuse to bake pro-gay cakes but at the same time demand that their anti-gay rhetoric be accommodated on twitter. Free speech when it suits.
I understand what you mean but I think its completely different. If it goes against his religion, go to another bakery? Its the exact same for Muslim religion, allow them their religious freedom or remove all religion. Didnt they agree to bake the cake just refuse to put same sex couple on the top? It seems crazy to me, but religion as a whole seems crazy to me in the first place. Business is business in my eyes (as long as its legal obviously!) and it feels really petty just to not put 2 of the same gender on a piece of cake, but its his loss.
I think I'm getting less tolerant as I get older! I might have agreed with you a few years ago, but now my view would be that we can quite easily ban the people who don't believe we landed on the moon, because they're wrong. To treat the question a bit more seriously, conspiracy theories are really fun when you're light-heartedly debating them over a meal, or with a few pints down the pub. Nobody's going to bar Mad Ron from the Hare and Hounds when he goes on about the moon landings being faked after a few too many milds. But I think it's pretty obvious that nowadays these seemingly harmless conspiracies are used as a front to drag people into a whole ecosystem of carefully constructed far-right views, and I don't have any problem at all with that being shut down at the source.
Seriously, if there was ever a post you have made which shows your insane drivel then this is it. Trump used Twitter and people died as a result. Freedom of speech doesn’t mean you can say anything with zero repercussions, and social media doesn’t have the first amendment anyway, it’s a business and they are right to protect themselves from litigation. Im of the mind that all social media should be banned, if we allow any predatory individual or group to cause harm to a person or persons. Trump is an absolute weapon who shouldnt have any platform to spread his evil.
True but at what point do you allow someone to have the power to decide what's allowed and what isn't. It's the thin end of a very dangerous wedge. For the record I have no issue with Trump being banned, he's a dangerous man and a proven liar. That said nearly all politicians on all sides of the political spectrum lie as they would never get elected if they told the truth.
I wouldn't ban people for not believing in the Moon landing. Its too much fun to laugh at how utterly stupid they are.