Remember him? Wasn't he involved in some leg breaking incident with one of our players? Anyway, he found God, and is an acting Pastor/ Preacher. Some interesting views being spouted on Twitter. Each to their own, but he's not on a list of people I'd want to fraternise with.
I've had a look, he seems to use religion as an excuse to be a sexist arsehole and advocate for abusive relationships.
he believes in the book of genesis, which should instantly render him a maniac to be completely ignored. tbf though, I could apply that to anyone who believes in any religion.
Just had a look at his twitter feed - makes me feel ill to read such mysogenistic tripe. He would be off to Gilead in a shot with those views ,what an obnoxious person. Guessing he wouldn't be welcoming any LBTQ people into his church
That's who I was thinking but now you've said John Spencer I'm pretty sure it was him. Strange that a few of us remember the wrong thing.
The reality is any Church that does welcome LBGTQ people is going agaisnt the teachings of Christianity. If you followed the teachings of the bible properly in today's world you would be viewed as a horrible person. Fortunately a lot of Christians ignore the bits of the Bible that they know are outdated and often downright intolerant. Which is just another example of why religion is a poor source of Moral guidance.
It was John Spencer, can remember as if it was yesterday. In our right back channel, far end of the pitch from the away end, Davies cleared the ball long and Spencer ran across from the centre forward position and dived in two feet while he was knocking the clearance long. Obvious straight red leg breaking challenge, I don't think he even gave a free kick. We'd been 1-0 up with a Redfearn goal and lost 3-1.