I have no problem with that - nothing to do with me after all. However, if they succeed then they will clearly wish to disassociate themselves with the English Football League and Premier League so Swansea, Cardiff, Newport and Wrexham should be immediately expelled from the EFL/National League. Let them ply their trade in the League of Cymru, or whatever it will be called. From then on they will have to qualify for Euro competition by winning their respective cups and league and will no longer have access to any of the English leagues and cups. I see nothing wrong with this idea. I'm all for national independence so if the Scottish teams can have their own competitions, and be restricted to them, then the Welsh teams should follow suit. If they want to set up border controls I'd be happy to show my passport if asked
I'd be fine with kicking Swansea and Cardiff out seeing as, with few exceptions, whatever 11 players we've put out against them over the years have summarily **** themselves.
I suppose it will come eventually but it will take several referendums and years of arguing about it in Parliament and the Welsh assembly. The Welsh will all have to speak the Welsh language as well, not just the diehards (who are mostly in the North I believe). Gavin will have to make up his mind - is to be Billericay or Barry Island? Stacey will want it to be Barry but then she, Gwen and Uncle Bryn will all have to take language lessons from Dick Powell. Nessa is probably bi-lingual already.
Would typically expel Glamorgan CCC for the county championship. They could play as Cymru as an international team like the Scot’s and Irish.
It doesn't follow that if they want to use their native language for their name that the teams in the English leagues should be kicked out, there's no logic to your argument. I don't see why they can't use the Welsh name for Wales and keep the existing structure, it makes no difference. If there is an argument about whether Welsh teams should play in the English league it doesn't stand or fall on the name of the national side.
Bit of a leap from them wanting to name their national team in their native language to throwing the English speaking southern teams like Cardiff and Swansea out of the English league system I dont care either way, the one thing I do care about is that they are affiliated to the Welsh FA and that includes disciplinary proceedings, I still think if they want to play in the English leagues and English FA cup they should also be subject to the English FA jurisdiction
it’d be a very short show, once they took out all the characters they wouldn’t be allowed to do any more. Probably just be the shopkeeper sketch left
Agreed. I don't know whether there's a discussion to be had about Welsh sides in the English league or not, from my perspective there isn't but I don't make the decisions, but I don't see why the naming convention of the national side would provoke such a discussion. Can't see a connection. Although I don't think the OP was being entirely serious either.
At what point is that a declaration of independence? It's an idea to rebrand to a more authentic national identity. Jeez, some people will jump on owt for a bit of tub thumping jingoism..
I don’t blame them tbh if that’s how they call it, However it’ll always be Wales to me just as Deutchland will always be Germany or Allemania if I’m on Holiday in Spain. Incidentally I think anything north of Elsecar should go back to being called Danelaw
Rather than write at length about this topic - how the dastardly/imperialist English tried to destroy the Welsh language and culture and how the Taffs fought back and got official status (1993) for the Welsh Language - and how the Language is now flourishing - etc. can this Merthyr Tydfilian give you a little Welsh joke ..... TIDY! "Sheep Shagging" joke A researcher is conducting a survey into sheep shagging. First of all he visits a Cornish farmer."So, Cornish farmer, how do you shag your sheep?" "Well, I take the hind legs of the sheep and put them down my wellie boot and take the front legs of the sheep and put them over a wall.""That's very interesting," replies the researcher and he leaves the Cornish farmer. Then he meets a Midlands Farmer."So, Midlands farmer, how do you shag your sheep?""Well, I take the hind legs of the sheep and put them down my wellie boots and take the front legs of the sheep and put them over a wall." "That's very interesting," replies the researcher. "That's how they do it in Cornwall too." And he leaves the Midlands farmer. Then he meets a farmer from Merthyr Tydfil ."So, Merthyr Tydfil farmer, how do you shag your sheep?""Well, I take the hind legs of the sheep and put them down my wellie boots and take the front legs of the sheep and put them over my shoulders.""Over your shoulders?" replies the researcher. "Don't you put them over a wall like everyone else?""What?" says the farmer. "And miss out on all the kissing?!"
Would it make much difference? I suppose we would change how its displayed but don't moat countries use their own name anyway? So in France we are Angleterre, in Spain we are Inglaterra ect. One question how exactly do you prounce Cymru? I'll probably just still call them Wales anyway.
One question how exactly do you prounce Cymru? Kum-ree. if you go to You Tube 'Yma o Hyd - Dafydd Iwan' you'll hear the 'new' Welsh football anthem (stirring stuff) and you'll hear the pronunciation of Cymru.