Meet at Manx 7.30. No mobiles then. If you were late had to catch up on the following route…. Ring o Bells Shakespeare Chennells White Hart (extended stay) No 7 (optional) Three Travellers Pie n pey wagon or that Chinese near the library Last bus.
Worrabart going to Stables for some late night/early hours rock music? Had many a great night in there, apart from a few scraps.
One of the first night clubs to have a water feature, albeit it was because the toilets were upstairs and occasionally flooded with the ‘water’ cascading down the steps
Stables was more if you were staying out. No 7 was pretty much compulsory for us, as was the Penny Farthing (?) Occasionally popped in at the Queens as well.
Other side for me Industrial Ring O Bells Liberal club Gardeners Silvers ( forget what they call pub before ) Rose & Thistle (remembered it thanks to #Wuz1964 Shakespeare Channels White Hart Sometimes Penny Farthing depending how full Yorkshireman Baa Baa Walk home
King George , Travellers , No7 , White Hart , Bodega , Ring O Bells or Shakespeare, Corner Pin , King George , Golden Crown , Stables
Only been out round Barnsley a couple of times on a "night out" but went in all them trendy bars near old Yates's.
That reminds me of a joke all those years ago about a gang of lads walking home to Birdwell after a night on town. They get as far as Tracky Sheds when one of them comes up with the idea of going in and pinching a bus . The others wait on Sheffield road for him to pick them up , They hear a lot of crashing and banging and decide he’s been caught so start to head off to Birdwell on foot . They get hundred yards further up when a battered Tracky bus pulls up alongside them and their mate at the drivers wheel telling them to get in . We though you’d got caught they said with all the banging and clattering , No said their mate it took me ages as they’d parked all the Birdwell buses to the back
I walked back to Great Houghton at least once after a night out in Barnsley - and walked into town to go out before as well... That bus fare was nearly a pint!
Joking apart In the late 70s early 80s it happened on a couple off occasions that someone nicked a bus out of the top garage on Sheffield Road ...if memory serves me well Lundwood and Kendray the two destinations where they were recovered from
Used to call it the hub when I went in still same then but we were wearing Afghan coits and they did stink
There really was only one night club of note in Tarn in 60's and 70's , the Club Ba Ba, the others were just disco dumps .
I thought I was old but Jesus, there’s some really old people on this site. More of an 80s boy though recognise many of those haunts for a Friday night. Friday was lads night, Saturday out with the other half. Though I have fonder memories of Thursday and Saturday being ‘Nash nights’.