In a bit bored tonight, Mr kids all too old for trick or treat but I'm enjoying seeing all the little witches, skeletons etc out and about. So far beautiful manners too, think I'll run out of sweets though, must be the warmer weather .
If I run out I'll take them off your hands. I didn't buy too many because there's no one to eat the left overs, I m on a no snack diet at the moment. Well that was embarassing, I've just shoved the bowl of sweets into the face of a bloke come to pick his parcel up!
24 years ago today I got married. Today is the first time since we had kids we haven’t had one or the other to take out or to a party. So you’d imagine we’d be out celebrating? Nope. Jacket potato and quiche for tea! :-( Early start on bus/ train to work.
Wazzing it down where I am - bought a load of spice too, which I've already started odd. I've resorted to coming with Halloween themed Reds players. Neil Dedfearn and Puke Thomas being the best of a bad bunch.
Bought loads of sweets and not had one knock at the door. Then neighbour tells me they won't come unless you have a pumpkin on show. I'll have to remember not to buy a pumpkin or sweets next year.
I've no pumpkin or decorations, but next door have . Still had them come. In fact my earliest ones, I passed on the street as I was back from walking the dog and told them to knock at mine as they were looking for which houses had pumpkins.
Kids dress up, knock on doors say trick or treat and you offer them sweets. Tell them they look great all dressed up they say thank you and everyone's happy.
I did it with mine one year ( actually it was a swede) when there were no pumpkins left. I'd forgotten how hard the buggers are to carve but the smell took me right back to childhood and all making Jack o lanterns at Primary and having a ghost story once they were all lit.
Very impressive. I usually wreck the entire thing when carving the first eye out! How long did that take you?