There used to be a chap where I worked who always switched the lights off if he saw that a cubicle was locked. The toilets had no natural light so it was pitch black when he did it. Had many a sh/t in the dark thanks to him.
If you’re in a large building the trick is to go to another floor’s washroom if you can. No awkward run ins with the boss or colleagues. Leave others with the stench. Guerilla pooping
I would rather drive home personally. In thirty odd years of work I think I can count on one hand the number of times I've had to go at work.
I feel like I've not had a good day at work if I haven't had a dump here. It should be company policy if you ask me. Just not at the same time as me.
I did an induction for a job in the 90s. The guy doing the induction told me “there’s only one thing you need to know. Never **** on your own time”. He then took me down the pub all afternoon. Different times.
I recall back in the 1990s working for the National Rivers Authority having a consultant who was paid at £800 per day ( a large sum in those days), I always wondered how much it cost when she went to the bog. As an accountant I ought to have worked it out!