Have to disagree with that view mate even though , as my missus puts it, Brian May's guitar solos sound like a "cat being strangled" Everyone has different tastes in music so your opinion is perfectly valid but rather than just saying they are "all w@nk" can you say exactly what it is you don't like about them? Not every track is exactly a classic -some are distinctly 'average' but the same can be said of the Beatles output over the years. The higher energy stuff 'live' still gets crowds rocking as witnessed when we went to see a Tribute band called 'Regina' that tour Italy and Europe who faithfully reproduce the queen sound 'live' (except the guitarist, IMO, sounds better than May -the cat must have been asphyxiated years ago and replaced). Musical styles are subjective but, as a group of musicians, Queen were all outstanding.
Chortle!!!.....Get ready, Queen/Freddie nonces will be fewmin' when they read this, telling thi!!...........sithi.
I don't think I'll bother t'owd love as I didn't call anyone a child sex offender , the nonce term is a light hearted play on folks obsession with queen/mercury so tha can wind thi super serious neck in .........sithi.
Tee hee! Could apply to the poster who used the term...( alternative meaning below) .. (Britain, slang, derogatory) A stupid or worthless person. [2002)
Is it cool to suggest Queen were crap just because they were popular? Two of the top ten biggest selling albums of all time - two hits compilations - shifted 10 million copies just of those two. Not one worthy song amongst those? I’d agree that popular doesn’t necessarily mean good, and this is very subjective - but every track of there’s is w**k? Really? Each to their own. I’d say Somebody to love, Who wants to live forever, Don’t stop me now are all excellent songs. The show must go on too - in fact there are relatively few songs of their more famous back catalogue I’d say I really dislike. The fact that fifty percent of the band and a singer nearly young enough to be their grandson sell out venues around the world - and to generally good reviews from credible music reviewers too - says quite a bit. It’s always thus though. Anyone who has massive success aren’t actually any good to the cool kids. See also Oasis, Rolling Stones, Coldplay.
Killer Queen and Seven Seas of Rye weren't bad. I saw them in Hyde Park in 1976. I only went to see Steve Hillage and legged it as soon Queen came on, couldn't abide them....