When I went years ago they had a field next to the main car park where cars were parked don't know if this is the case now
that’s what I remember but it’s been quite a few years since I have been. You would have thought that they will do that to make more money on parking
Greenacre school is about 10 minutes walk away Obviously if that’s too far for you to walk you could try a taxi
Most of top car park taken over by the fairground. Unsure if you can 'pay on the gate' - my neighbour has tickets bought on-line. £10 single ticket £18 for two people £25 for family ticket
Sit in my garden for the fireworks, you can park on the drive for a tenner Park on one of the streets around Racecommon rd and watch the fireworks from the speed camera wall or inside the park near the cafe. Fireworks are let off from the band stand area, you pay the money to stand near the fire.
Locke Park -- 10pm last night huge bonfire - fireworks - large funfair - hundreds of people there. 11 am this morning (Sunday) - funfair gone - bonfire 'ashes' cleared away - all crowd barriers removed - not a scrap of rubbish to be seen, Whoever organised bonfire and clear up - well done!
I've heard that effigies of Steve Parkin & Chris Lumsden were toasted last night? The highlight being the Conway burning apparently. I hear the Conway effigy just melted...