The lad has a lot of fitness / injury issues. He’s in my thoughts at this difficult time. Infact you could say……. “James Norwood’s on my mind……”
And there it is our blatant refusal to strengthen bites us in the arse who would have guessed? Yeah but we nearly signed a striker! BS the window was open months
We could have bought loads of strikers. It's highly likely, for the money we could afford, that none of them would have been an improvement. I just don't understand, given the club's recognition of the need for a striker, why people think they then deliberately took the decision not to buy one should one have been available for the right money.
I hear Cliff Thorburn has broken his cue. Not sure why I've posted it here TBH, but just thought I'd mention it.
Get what you’re saying but surely we could’ve got a decent striker in on loan. Bristol Rovs managed to get Josh Coburn in from Middlesbrough when surely given our proximity to them we’d have been a better option for him. Can’t believe we couldn’t find one, really doesn’t reflect well on Khaled and recruitment team.
I actually like Norwood but would have preferred to try and hold on to Woodrow, but it is all history now
I think the diffrence been Woodrow was the top earner at the club by some distance and we needed to cut the wage bill. Not doing much at luton hadnt scored a league goal last time i looked.
Not being smart but he has been out injured for weeks now so he is not going to score ,but when we sold Morris I hoped we might be able to hang on to a couple of the so called stars which we did with Anderson & Styles but I just thought either of Woodrow or Morris would rip up this league & Woodrow had shown loyalty in the past but alas it wasn"t to be.