If only we'd known, eh? It's a good assessment. I don't know how this message can be got out to a wider audience, but the Tories won't admit their mistake until the public mood turns and Labour are running scared of risking the loss of another election on the back of brexit. Hopefully someday soon more people will start to ask questions.
Tbh there were as many Tory’s against Brexit as there were Labour MPs for , the only party carts Blanche against Brexit were the Lib Dems. Admittedly it was never as big an issue with labour as it were for the Tory’s as far as parliament went but many in the grass roots wanted it . As for asking questions I’m not so sure , I know loads that’s suffered because of Brexit most indirectly by voting a Brexit party aka the Tory party who whilst under the Brexit banner have massacred our health and social services , And yet some I know are still convinced it’s because we haven’t fully embraced Brexit . Ffs you couldn’t make it up with some people ! Complaining of not being able to see a doctor or a specialist whilst lauding fekin Johnson. The Tories have taken these services to the 1950s and anyone who had any intelligence knew that’s was their aim , they always have and always will despise a welfare state but yet the working people have voted for them . Not many days ago I was talking to someone trying to sell their holiday home complaining how much harder it is to stay in Europe especially with their dogs . And yes you’ve guessed it ! They voted Brexit ! The only people to suffer from from this absolute stupid idea certainly aren’t the typical Times reading Tory that’s for sure .
If you're not a subscriber, I think you'd be surprised at how commenters in The Times have swung against brexit (many always were against it).
Maybe so , I don’t read it tbh and I’m not saying everyone that reads the Times are Toffs but I would imagine all the Toffs read it .
I think the Toffs read the Telegraph & the Spectator. The Times went downmarket when Murdoch bought it.
It's possible for the working man to despise a welfare state. It's not necessarily a Tory thing being pissed off at going out to work while "some" cheat the system and sit in the pub supping cheap John Smiths all day.
Where SD are they getting their money from? Rental income? Market speculation? Maybe being on a former PM's annual salary like Boris or Liz Truss? I tried claiming during lockdown, as my business was shut with zero support. At the time I was getting 90 odd quid a week. That has been cut to 70 odd quid. I'm not saying people don't make money working on the black market, but are these really two sides of the same coin?
Those days have gone mate, when was the last time you tried to make a claim for benefits? It's a full time job, otherwise you're sanctioned. Back in the 70s it was easy, maybe too easy but now? I wouldn't recommend it as a lifestyle choice to anyone.
I like it because it’s just cold and factual. It’s why I read the FT in general and not any other newspaper. The video has more than 4 million views so I guess the message is getting out.
Hope so, Jim. I don't regularly read the FT but once or twice I've picked up a copy of FT Weekend, which is a cracking read and has some great features.
I've just read a potted history of the Libdems policies re brexit and it doesn't mention that. When was it their policy to leave the EU?
it would be more straightforward to say that they were the first mainstream party to call for an in/out referendum which was part of their manifesto in 2010 and 2015. Orange Bookers tended to suggest they were neutral to reevaluating the relationship with the EU more traditional Liberals were more lukewarm in favour of staying. They only became ‘remain’ around 2016 and after when I believe they saw political gain through that though I accept ghat May be my cynicism.