Oh dear, not this one. I listened to it yesterday - no wonder it was lost. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m0001fw7
Wants to show he’s ‘human’. Perhaps he wouldn’t have needed to if he hadn’t kept voting for / enacting inhuman policies then...
Trying to come across as one of us mere mortals,first one I've watched and the last one. Going to be boring him doing every trial and what makes it worse he's LOVING it !!!!! No ta!
I think he's told yet another absolute bare faced lie. When challenged about whether he should be working he said that there is now stability in government so he felt he could go to Australia however he was suspended for going to Australia less than a week after sunak got the job. I don't for one second believe that he was approached by itv, negotiated a contract and flew to Australia within 7 days. Not a fricking chance. If there's any karma he'll contract a killed disease out there and die on our TV screens away from what family he has left
I do normally enjoy watching this programme. I'll leave this one to the missus to keep me updated. Hoping That ctun has an horrendous time. And sent to coventry by the rest of the celebs. Edit No offence Coventry.
"Look, I know how people felt. That’s why I resigned, right?" No mate, you resigned because you were caught you snivelling turd.
I can think of little that would compel me to watch this worthless individual being covered in *****.
Haven't watched it, can't watch it and wouldn't if I could. I just don't get the "let's keep him in to eat nasty stuff" viewpoint. He's a politician, he loves publicity of whatever kind so keeping him in just validates him in his own eyes and gives him more oxygen. Just get the snivelling little weasel out asap and we can all forget about him.
Remember - They are only sorry because they got caught. I usually watch it as a bit of mindless evening entertainment but this year I will not watch him, just seeing him on the TV sends my blood pressure soaring.
I have watched I'm a Celebrity many times over the years - its a bit of escapism watching celebs do daft things to each other - some characters I really liked. The series I enjoyed least was the one some woman called Lady Colin Campbell hogged the limelight by being an obnoxious Selfish entitled Tory. The ones I've enjoyed are the ones where the celebs all work together as a team and are nice to each other - though bizarrely I think those get lower viewing figures If I watch this series I know I will get infuriated by Hancock so I am giving it a miss I might watch the odd clip but Im not sitting down for an hour to be annoyed