Interesting I've worked with a lot of Americans over the years mostly from either the Boston Area or Silicon Valley area - almost all with passports and frequent international travellers - hardly any were republican supporters and none have admitted to supporting Trump. The ones I know well would p!ss themselves laughing at your mate but it is worrying the number of people who believe this sort of rubbish when there is compelling evidence to the contrary I saw some figures recently where something like 40% of Republican voters believed Trump won and had the election stolen from him - thats really scary
Well, we all know who lady Ga Ga is. (Or is she from the planet zog). thi colleague must be lord Ga Ga. Dare I ask what his Job is. Cos if it's a responsible one I'd be whistle blowing.
The latest over here is that the govt is filling the hotels with NATO troops ready for the public backlash. Apparently they can't rely on the British Army because they'd side with the publuc. There's some weird stuff going round.
Apart from all the well known ones, I found this and have never heard of it before. The "Paul is dead" conspiracy goes something like this: On Nov. 9, 1966, Paul McCartney got into an argument with the other Beatles, stormed out of the studio and was promptly decapitated in a car accident. To cover the whole thing up, the band hired a look-alike (and sound-alike). After going through all this trouble, though, the band then took great pains to drop clues in their album covers and lyrics to hint to the public that something was amiss. For example, on the cover of the Abbey Road album, all four Beatles are photographed striding across a zebra crossing, but only McCartney is barefoot and out of step with the other three. This must mean something, right? Despite public denials by the band (and many, many public appearances by McCartney), fans couldn't just let it be, and came together to look for more clues.
If I were in your position, I'd make him my best mate. Imagine how quick your days would go at work with that kind of entertainment on tap. #loveagoodnutter
I remember him saying he had expected Biden to be arrested on his inauguration day and Trump would return to power. Not a full shilling.
I watch quite a bit of stuff on youtube from the states and believe me this is normal... the whole country is stark raving bonkers
I say this a lot but otherwise intelligent people genuinely belive the Bible is true. So it's hardly surprising otherwise intelligent people could be fooled into believing less outlandish claims.
The problem with the modern world is these very strange beliefs have platform to be spread giving them a sense of truth. Look at Twitter talk about the lunatics taking over the asylum Musk is a 100% fruit loop a very intelligent and more important a very rich fruit loop who's bought himself a platform to spout his guff.
Thankfully that doesn’t happen on here..on a side note I wonder how close Mike Ashley is on the takeover of the club