I could say the same about fireworks, or anyone who still chooses to eat the body parts of dead animals. But I'm careful of my judgement, less I be proved a hypocrite. It's a big, corrupt mistake for that state to host an international tournament. But it IS international & it's no-one's place to deny the right for anyone to join in & fairly compete. There is already enough prejudice, exploitation & tragedy attached to this tournament. The global spotlight is on this event, whether that makes people clean up their houses, remains to be seen. But there will rarely be a better opportunity.. That's my tuppence worth, for what it's worth..
Don’t worry mate, there’ll be planeloads of hypocrites descending on the country in the next week or so. They’ll take the money, but will “speak out”, so that’s okay then.
The people in suits will tell ya that the World Cup is being granted to such countries in an attempt to cast a spotlight on them and encourage change while in the world's glare.. ....well it sounds good if ya belive it
It's borrocks, money does the talking. But spotlight is definitely on, or it wouldn't be an issue.. & it will be just like England to win a tournament who nobody sees as valid or exciting & will leave a bad taste behind..
I think having as many nations as possible host these events is a good thing for developing the sport worldwide. And I do sort of understand the view of Gary Neville that just shunning nations you disagree with won't change their stance on anything. I'd love for their to be the adverts for donating to women in sports like there are in the cricket World Cup for eg. I think where you have a large part of the population based on sex or colour unable to participate in that sport, then the country shouldn't be awarded a world championship/Olympics.
I wouldn't in a million years have considered going to it for a myriad of reasons, but I'm not entirely sure how not watching in on telly will make a jot of difference.
Using that 'argument' it's a shame it was not being held in Russia then, since I am sure Putin and his mob might not have invaded Ukraine!
Yep. seems to be the go to line when anyone involved in World Cup placement gets asked..Blatter used to say it...tells ya all ya need to kno..
The aim should be to bombard every single sponsor on all platforms with questions such as "Does Coca-Cola believe homosexuals should be imprisoned?" until they decide to pull their money.
Have a pound on the William Hills special at 20/1 for at least a goal in all 48 group games and watch the World Cup.
It's a weird place to hold a WC as it has no football heritage, but neither did the USA. I do feel there's a fairly large amount of bandwagon virtue signalling going on as where was the sustained outrage at Man City and Newcastle ownership? Saudi, Qatar, Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain all either own or have substantial holdings in BP, Shell, BT, Jaguar Land Rover, Harrods, Savoy, Shard, LSE, P&O, most of Newmarket and loads of other stuff, including huge donations to many top universities. And how many are on here on a Vodafone tariff? Where's the outrage and boycots of all them? Personally, I'm not buying another McLaren till they all behave themselves.