Obvs not to win, but I fancy them, just need to check out their path and odds to see if its worth having a wager.
a.i. nil desperandum -- I have a tenner on Cymru to win w.c. - 150/1 - (when I told my son about my bet he said something about 'pigs flying!' - wonder what he meant ??)
Taff I will also be supporting Wales. Our player Dylan Levett hopefully playing a pivotal roll in midfield.
They’re about 100/1 which is same price as Poland and Mexico. I had no idea that Senegal were about the same standard as those two !
I've only just discovered that Beckham is getting £150m from Qatar to be their ambassador for for the competition and Neville will be working for Qatari TV (check out the clip from HIGNFY where Ian H highlights this). Greed driven, immoral, hypocrites.
Personally i could'nt give two fooooks, what peoples opinions are on the World Cup, i'll be watching it, every game irrespective of race, colour or religion, CUM ON ENGLAND,
Wow. I didn't know that.? I would've done it for £150.. Seriously surprised that about Neville, the looney lefty..
Yeah exactly, Im really looking forward to it as an England fan, and also as a fan in general. Because it is the football World cup after all, which only happens once every 4 years. I do have a conscience and I don't agree with Qatar hosting it, but Im still going to watch and enjoy it.
I won't be watching. It will be the first time since 1962 when I was too young to know what a World Cup was.
Life’s too short, I have a conscience and hate the human rights of most Middle East counties but then no one would be crying if Brazil, with it’s killing squads and logging rights destroying the rainforest got the World Cup. Name me any Country and I’ll give you a problematic reason they shouldn’t host the World Cup.
Don’t prejudge people for their free choices or suggest they don’t care about a terrible situation, as despite the awful decision to host it where they have, which was completely beyond their control, they want to watch the biggest football tournament in the world that won’t come around again for four years. If you aren’t a virtue signalling, moral high-ground seeker, you won’t. If you are, you will.
I've got a conscience and I'll be watching it hoping none of the England players get caught cottaging.
Bit presumptious of you to tell us all that if we have a conscience we wont watch Id like to think I have a reasonable conscience. I think the decision to play the finals in Qatar was corrupt and wrong but how not watching the matches on TV changes anything is beyond me. For all sorts of reasons I am not excited by this World cup - Timing, unsuitability of host nation due to Human Rights record, etc but I will probably watch some of the matches. That doesnt make me a bad person as far as I can tell. Oh and before we throw stones at Qatar - maybe we should take a look closer to home - our treatment of refugees is illegal and immoral, the rules against demonstrations are not exactly those you expect in a democracy and our government wants to scrap the Human rights act and roll back many workers protections. Our leading politicians think nothing of lying in parliament or to the media and yet no one seriously suggests we boycott any England sporting matches - we are in a bit of a glass house ourselves
The FIFA World Cup (TM) just like the Olympics is corrupt and is run by those more interested in lining their own pockets wherever it has been hosted. But even by past standards a tiny country the size of Northern Ireland with no culture of football and where it is too hot to play in the summer hosting the World Cup is ridiculous.
Very good post. We'd be in a right shambles if we couldn't make use of everything provided to our functioning lives that countries like China America and other countries bring. And they all have charge sheets far worse than our own. Let's not beat ourselves up. And let's not for a moment be so ridiculous as to try to compare ourselves in any way to Qatar when our country falls over itself to try to be our best. Our country is so sublime they're queuing up the other side of the channel in order to live here. For all sorts of reasons we should just watch and support our team. But mainly to watch Stonesy.