He wants to be the next Portillo. Great British Maggot Farm Journeys would be an apt program for him to present.
If he’s acting, he’s not a very good actor . I heard a snippet on the radio where he asked for forgiveness. I could also hear his inner voice saying “Oh, I know, I’ll ask for forgiveness, that might work “
As bad as Hancock is I think Boy George needs to get off his high horse with him when he's done far worse in spending jail time for imprisoning someone and beating them. Viewers voting for Hancock to do trials are thickos. They are giving him extra airtime to milk and because he's smashing every single trial with no fuss he's boring to watch. We need people doing the trials who will struggle to get stars and be scared and scream to make it more entertaining.
I love the fact that everyone is passing judgement on Matt Hancock and questioning him morally when there's others on that show who should have their past actions questioned more intently than his. There's some real irony in Boy George making moral judgements on Matt Hancock when he's a former drug addict who's had multiple friends die of heroin overdoses at his parties, and has been convicted of assault and false imprisonment. He's easily the most despicable person in there but everyone seems to love him!
The whole programme is a danse macabre and always has been along with Big Brother and the rest. It's the modern day equivalent of paying to poke fun at those in debtor's prison or the asylum.
For those insisting on comparisons between Boy George and Matt Hancock. It’s not an either or situation. It’s perfectly ok to think that both of them are nasty pieces of work. Just don’t use Boy George as a means to forget what an utter slimeball Hancock is.
George has made some massive mistakes in his life, same as Hancock. They both have to live with it. Difference is, I’m not seeing Matt actually paying for his sins, as George has..
Yes but to start with they get voted for who will do the trials - then part way through that changes and the eliminations start Then the vote is for who to keep in and the one with least votes goes
I'm always going to defend a person from bands, of course. Regular people don't understand just how much crap that involves. George is no saint, but he's dealt with more **** than most. fella knows his mistakes & has paid for them..
ITV must be laughing their d;cks off, by setting Hancock on they have aroused more publicity than they could have dreamt of, you only have to look at the comments & length of this thread & whats more the more publicity the more brass they get from advertising , if everyone who dislikes Hancock had ignored the show & blanked it then it would have backfired on the ITV but the British public are gullible, they love a pantomime villain.
Agree. Hancock broke all the rules. While folk died on their own. Relatives unable to visit parents etc to comfort them. During their dying moments. George is no innocent, but to put him worse than that snake (ctun) is beyond words.
I always thought Boy George was put in prison for drug possession, I never knew that he stripped a bloke naked, chained him to a radiator and beat him with a chain, jeez!
I think it`s fixed.How can you go from being first every time to do the trial,to not being in the first three.
I think I've told this before, in a different context. Moyles is actually a really nice fella. My neighbour in Highgate. I rented a little flat in a beautiful Edwardian house on Cholmeley Crescent N6. End of Peacock Walk. A steep snicket which led to Southwood Avenue, where Chris had got himself a nice £3m house, a bit like mine. His neighbour was an elderly lass by herself & I saw him taking her bins out & helping with her shopping. Talked to him often in the pub & would wander home the same way. He would have celebrity mates come see him at the Wrestlers. One fella was a dick though, complained to bar staff that a 'specific needs' bloke James (regular punter) was looking at him in a funny way. I don't know his name & am not arsed to google. He sang that crappy song about a monster coming over a hill? Tw4t.. Moylsie is alreight, Apart from being a Leeds United fan. there's no excuse for that..