There was a big hoo-har over the '78 World Cup in Argentina... i enjoyed that one! To be fair, I've enjoyed them all, but '78 was one of my faves. Plus it set off some crappy copycat ticker tape receptions around the country lol
Excellant synopsis, Dave. Saves me the bother. Apart from Shenk1's funeral on the Tuesday, I'm going to watch every minute of every game, when doing my art jobs. i ain't denying footballers from all over the world, their moment in the sun. as fcked up as it is..
That's the first one i remember. bring back the chucking of bog rolls. If you can find any in the shops..
The bit I quoted. Which tournaments have England won that left a bad taste or nobody saw as valid or exciting? Was ‘66 a snoozefest?
Everything about football at the top level stinks. Greed. Being the main reason. FIFA. EUFA. FA. All been involved in scandals over the years. Pandering to the elite and lining their own pockets. The op. Suggests boycotting the world cup. I haven't an issue with the sentiment. But something needs to be done to bring these organisations back to the fans. Fan power worked wonders within days when the planned European super league showed its ugly head again. Apologies from those involved don't wash with me. They will still be plotting summat in the background to line their pockets further.
Personally I probably won't watch too much of it, because I'm just generally not that ar$ed about football these days, unless we're playing. All kinds of reasons. Not sure where I stand on being told I 'don't have a conscience' if I watch any of it though. I guess you could argue every viewer is contributing to the advertising revenue which is funding it? I don't open Daily Mail or Sun links on similar grounds, so I kinda do see a point. I'm not about to start telling people what they should and shouldn't watch though. That would make me a bit of a fascist, wouldn't it? It's also quite possible the OP has supported something at some time or another that they probably shouldn't have...or turned a blind eye to. Always a bit dodgy being too judgmental, I reckon.
You're right I'll watch it because I'm selfish and I want some joy in my life and I want to have fun with my friends and I want and I want and I want But what you wrote is right and I am aware of that
I wasn't born when England won the world cup, so can't comment. I didn't say 'snooze fest', you did. I'm looking forward to it, I always do. But it's already very tarnished, with bigoted bulllshit.. For me, as a non sky subscribing football fan, it's a real tv treat. I posted previously & emphasised INTERNATIONAL. A global event. It's more than the Kanes, Mbappes, Messis & Ronaldos. & the 'smaller' competing states deserve their moment in the sun, while their legs are still good.. I usually enjoy the whole cultural adventure of the host nation. But this isn't right & that's what I meant by bad taste. It's riddled with corruption & bigotry. Whoever wins the tournament, I think it will feel a bit hollow.. I'm very disappointed with Beckham, taking dirty money that he really doesn't need. I'm still going to watch it. I'll watch anyone play football. Even women..
I don't want to preach or judge anyone. But if you're not vegan, the word 'conscience' has no validity whatsoever, in any sense. Fck, I just preached & judged. My apologies...
Firstly, you don't know what I do and don't eat. Secondly, I'm sorry, but that's just your opinion. I disagree with your opinion. Quite strongly. I know you think you can, but you cannot dictate what constitutes a conscience. In any way. You keep doing it, but you don't have that authority.
Same sex marriages and civil partnerships aren't recognised in Ukraine, but if they got a major tournament people would be happy for them because of all they have gone through. If it took clean morals for a country to host a World Cup there wouldn't be a World Cup ever again if you looked hard enough.
I wasn't judging you, mate. or thinking about your diet. It was a thought about the definition of 'conscience', which would have been better placed on the original post, I admit. Soz about that..
That's a very valid point. There are few, if any, countries that could be honest about their history and come out smelling of roses. Particularly if they're judged on the current (Western) ideals. We (the UK, but really England) would fail very badly. Your example is a very good one, as it's a nation state that has a lot of support across the globe, and you're right that their domestic policies do not always align to what has become to be viewed (again Western) as the right model. I guess we put things on a scale of good to bad. And we look at what's happening right now rather in the past. But it's our morals, our conscience, and it's our arrogance and superiority that makes us believe what is popular right now in our country is the only true way. But maybe we don't have the best judgement. Maybe we think we can dictate decency when we really can't. But I would also argue, giving credit back to the OP, that some of things that have been going on in Qatar aren't OK on any level, on anyone's judgement.
No, that was my fault mate. I've been in a reactionary mood too. It normally comes out right, sometimes even smart or funny. but that was wrong. Soz.. x
Yes, and I remember there being a massive hoo-ha in the press about what a nasty, racist, intolerant shithole it was, and how nobody should travel there.