Rumours of Article 5 coming to fruition, very dangerous. 'Fortunately', it looks like it'll be Article 4, where it will mean neighbouring countries & allies ramp up production and send more to Ukraine... Very worrying times indeed.
I would imagine that Russia will be bricking themselves at this. I can only assume that this is a strategic error but may prove very costly for Russia.
I think I’ll believe the Russians when they claim it was…. A Ukrainian missile Or… A gas explosion Or…. Polish terrorists smuggling missiles across the border to help the Ukrainian Nazis when they exploded
Was it an accidental explosion in the same context of North Korean planes accidentally flying over South Korea?
I personally think it's no mistake. And they are litterally now testing if NATO will stand by what it's set up to do. But I can't believe for one minute that NATO should sit and go. Ok it was a mistake we will let you off. ..
The press are desperate for a war,saying they want more American troops on the ground etc,Whitehouse press guy,proper stressed out trying to calm them all ,like a feeding frenzy
Why would you say that? Russia has invaded a sovereign state in Europe but not just on impulse. It has spent a long time softening up the world in order to do so. One aspect of which is polluting the information space on social media. At this stage no-one knows exactly what has happened. BUT what we can say is that whatever likely permutation has occured, rogue or half intercepted missile etc. It is a foreseeable corollary of chucking 80 odd large missiles of questionable accuracy at civilian targets at a country that has a border with a significant NATO member. There is only one real villian here and that is the Russian hierarchy and their desire to re- impose a Soviet empire on people who have long since moved on. The kleptocracy they created is nowhere better highlighted than in their military failings and their need to punish civilians everytime they get their @rses handed to them by the Ukrainian military to try and deflect from their failings. We in the west must present a united front to prevent them from thinking there is a soft option for escalating the war or diminishing the western resolve. I don't personally think they targeted Poland deliberately and don't think NATO should go full on in response, but NATO should find some proportionate response to leave Russia in no doubt that it is playing with fire
Didn't he say that the missiles were likely not launched from Russia? They could have launched those from Ukrainian territory. They've done it before.
Associated Press claiming American sources saying fired by Ukrainian forces trying to take down Russian rockets.
I think AR was referencing all the Russian communiques that deflect blame elsewhere not to mention denying the' bleedin' obvious'.. e.g. "we do not target and never have targeted 'civilians or civilian infrastructure'". . It is, however, in this instance, entirely possible that an 'interception' went awry and either deflected an incoming Russian missile or itself was deflected and fell on Polish soil. Russia of course will deny it was theirs and , true to form, seek to blame it on Ukraine as provocation to drag NATO into the conflict directly. Given the Ukrainians are giving the Russian military a good kicking on the front-line , I do not think they need to risk an escalation by dragging the NATO alliance into direct conflict knowing where it could lead. I think the scenario of Putin 'testing' the resolve of NATO is also unlikely. He has seen enough to know that Western resolve has, if anything, only strengthened over recent months as more and more atrocities against civilians in occupied areas come to light. UK papers were quick to blame a Russian missile based on someone from teh Whitehouse pointing the finger but now Biden has backtracked saying it is unlikely that it was. Whether that is an attempt to publicly defuse the situation or giving them time to work out a suitable response without escalating by a kneejerk reaction only time will tell. The propaganda war continues unabated, but ultimately launching 80 odd missiles at a countries civilian population is barbarism and requires some response.