He is winning the public over. He was a huge outsider to win and is now third favourite behind Jill and Mike and his price is shortening all the time.
Yes the Tory Party propaganda machine will be in full flow now. Along with the other hard of thinking types
They might not be impressed but the ITV will be over the moon , they have pulled a masterstroke , they have never had as much publicity , I wish everyone would have boycotted it as a protest & then it would have backfired on them ,but the gullible British public have fallen for it hook, line & sinker .
Isn't it more that Boy George, like the rest of us, has done questionable things that affect himself and those immediately close to him where as Matt Hancock was making decisions that affected the whole country.
Who the hell is voting for Hancock? He’s got to the final!! Shame to see Mike Tindall go out. Was three years below me at School. Knew his brother fairly well. (I cant believe I’ve been watching this )
If u don't know who he is, he comes across well, up for anything, completes all tasks, good team player. It's only cos you know he's a Conniving, Unctuous, Nasty, Toxic murderer that you know it's all fake. Some folk are so unaware of current affairs and the world around them, that they haven't the foggiest what he did, and they vote for him
Can’t get my head round anyone voting for him. He’s a snake with personality of snake. It’s all a fix if you ask me….